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The darkness engulfed the little cottage in the forest. The only light came from the silver moon. Outside, wolves howled and crickets buzzed. Inside, the single room was dimly lit by a single flickering candle, casting shadows of the people within the worn-down wooden walls. It's wax had begun melting, dripping onto the surface of the table.

The soothing temperature of the night, and the cool breeze carried a calm atmosphere outside, but it was different inside.

Min Yoongi took a sip of wine from his cup. With piercing gaze, he turned to Chanyeol and said, "You were hired by Minister Bae to kill Taehyung."

"That's right." Chanyeol nodded, pouring himself some wine.

"And I had specifically instructed you to use this opportunity to murder the king as well." Yoongi commented in a tense, controlled tone. He was trying to keep his sanity.

"Yes, you did." Chanyeol said, blinking innocently.

"Two birds with one stone!" Minister Choi barked into laughter. After drinking half a bottle, he was quite drunk now.

"And yet the king still lives." Minister Gong let out a sad sigh.

"Why didn't you follow the direct order given to you?" Yoongi asked as he narrowed his eyes. Burning anger reflected within them.

"I just didn't feel like killing the king anymore." Chanyeol answered nonchalantly.

"How can you be so stupid!?" Yoongi slammed his fist down on the table, making the wine bottles fall. Liquid spilled all over the table and on the floor.

Chanyeol shrugged. "Honestly, I don't care about all this anymore. Killing the king is what you want, not me. Besides, I've got what I wanted. So, it's none of my business anymore."

"How da-dare yo-you talk t-to your king th-that way!" Minister Choi yelled, pointing an accusatory finger. His speech slurring.

"He isn't the king yet. I'll treat him like one when he has the crown." Chanyeol stated as a matter-of-factly, glaring at the old man sitting across from him.

Minister Choi crossed his arms across his chest. His ego hurt. Then, he flashed a wicked smile and commented, "All this for one stupid boy who spreads his leg like a whore!"

Immediately, Chanyeol moved at such a speed that his movements were a blur. Almost invisible.

In the blink of an eye, there was a sword pointed at Minister Choi who froze, feeling the coldness of the sharp metal graze against his neck.

"Chanyeol!" Yoongi shouted in a scolding tone. But, Chanyeol ignored him. Not moving his eyes from the old man.

Enraged, with enormous eyes showing resentment, Chanyeol warned, "If you want to keep that filthy tongue of yours, you better not speak such things about Taehyung!"

Minister Choi gulped.

"Let's all calm down." Minister Gong said with a nervous smile.

Chanyeol let out a heavy breath. He put his sword back in its sheath. He reached out for his cup, and swallowed down the bitter-sweet liquid in one shot.

How to Chase a Royalty. [j.jk + k.th]Where stories live. Discover now