Like an animal

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It was 8 am when the alarm went off. Jay made it shut up and pulled me closer. "Hey babe" "Aah I like the sound of that" "Oh you do huh" He kissed me and then I put my head on his chest. We stayed like that for a couple minutes until my second alarm went off. "We really have to get up and shower and then head out to the district" I sighed. Jay nodded and kissed my forehead.

After we had taken a shower we quickly ate something and then headed out to the district. I let Jay arrive first and 10 minutes later I pulled up. "Morning Stone" "Morning Sarge" I nodded to desk sergeant Platt. 

Before I even had the chance to walk uostairs the unit came running down. "We've got a masacre going on downtown" Jay explained as I ran after them. We jumped into the car and drove as fast as possible through traffic. We quickly put on our vests and started scanning the perimeter. It was quiet, awfully quiet. As soon as we came around the corner we all gasped in horror. "Oh my god..." I said. The silence was broken by sirens of ambulances arriving at the scene. The paramedics ran to see if anybody had survived the masacre but we were not very hopefull. 

"Sergeant!" Brett called out. "She is alive!" the unit quickly walked over to Brett and Foster to see the condition the victim was in. "She is in really bad shape" "Will she make it Brett?" "I don't know, but if we want to give her a fighting chance we need to go, now" "Allright everyone listen up! Give them an escort!" Voight ordered around. Quickly a dozen of cops went to their vehicles and sped away trying to clear a path for ambulance 61. "Stone, Halstead I want you to go to med right away. This girl is our only hope. We have to find out everything she saw. Burgess go with 61 in case she wakes up in the ambulance" Burgess nodded and jumped in with Foster and Brett.Jay and I quickly got into the car and drove out to med. 

"Incoming!" Maggie alerted her team. "Dr. Manning, Dr Rhodes, you are going to trauma 3" "What do we have Brett" "Multiple stab wounds to the abdomen, GCS 10, intubated on the scene, unresponsive" "On my count" Dr manning counted and they lifted the girl on to the bed. 

As they were working on our witness Jay and I arrived at the hospital. "Maggs hey, how is she doing? Do we know anything about her?" "I have been trying to find out who she is, so far no luck. All we know is that the doctors are havinga hard time trying to keep her stable." Just when we were talking to Maggie Connor came walking over. "Hey guys" "Dr Rhodes, how is the girl" "She is stable, for now. I was able to stop the bleed but the knife perverated her left lung" "Is she awake?" "She is but I am not sure if she will be able to talk" "Than we will have her write it down. We need to know everything she saw" "Ok, I'll take you up to the ICU" 

"Hi, we are Detective Stone and Detective Halstead with Chicago police department. Do you mind if we ask you some questions?" The girl shook her head. Jay handed her a white board and marker and the girl understood what we were alking about. "So lets start with your name" The girl wrote her name on the white board. "Okay Emily Williams, do you know who did this to you? Did you see their face?" Emily nodded. "Ok thats great. Can you describe him?" Emily nodded again and started to describe the man that attacked her and 6 others. "Ok thank you Emily, you hold on ok" Jay and I were about to leave when Emily grabbed my hand. "Please find him.... He started stabbing people out of the blue.... Like.. Like and animal..." She brought out wheezing. "I promise you, we will do everything in our power to find him" "Ok we have to get her up to surgery right now jay and Mia" Dr. Rhodes came walking in. I nodded and Jay I went back to the car. I saw Jay looking at me with a look in his eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Nothing, it's just. You were really good with that girl, she trust you, eventhough she is scared" I smiled. "You think she'll make it?" "If anyone can pull that surgery off it is Dr. Rhodes, she'll be fine" "I hope so" Jay kissed me and then we drove back to the district. 

"Ok, our witness' name is Emily Williams, she just went back into surgery to try and repair her lung. She described our suspect as white, around 5,7, brunette, green eyes, he has a scar on his right hand that looked like a lightning strike. He was wearing black jeans, a grey jacket and black gloves" I told the unit what Emily had told me. "Alright, we just got the camera footage from a camera on a corner one block away from the scene" Atwater came walking in. "Ok show it" Voight said. We got together and watched the footage in silence. We didn't expect to see the scene but we got a clear shot on the masacre. We all turned our heads in shock and disgust. 

"Ok do we have enough for facial reg?" Voight asked Atwater. "I put him through and I may have a match. Ian Brown" "Alright do we have an adress?" "2132 South Fairfield Avenue" "Alright lets get a warrant and roll out" 

As soon as we got the warrant we rolled out to the adress. "Alright, our suspect could be in here and he might be armed. Cover eachother and stay safe" Voight instructed everyone and then we burst down the door. "CHICAGO PD! Ian Brown!" We all yelled in sync. "I GOT HIM HE IS RUNNING" Ruzek called out through the radio. We all immediately ran out  and started to lock down the sideroads along the alley. Damn this guy was fast. Suddenly we heard a gun shot. 

"ADAM" I heard Kim call out for Ruzek. "Yeah, I'm ok. Shots fired at and by the police, offender down" I signaled to Adam there was no longer a pulse. "DOA" Voight came walking towards us. "Ok, Adam clear all of this with uptop, officer involved shooting. Mia, Halstead. I want you to put this guy in a 6pack and have Emily confirm he is the one that attacked all those people" "On it sarge, Halstead lets go" I called over Halstead and we headed down to med. 

"Ok Emily, I am going to have you look at a couple of photo's ok? You just point to whomever you recognize as your attacker" I handed Emily the collage of photo's including our suspect. "That's him" Emily immediately pointed to our dead suspect. "Alright, great job" 

Jay and I were about to leave med when we heard an alarm go off in Emily's room. "Code blue, Code blue" "Oh god that's Emily" I said looking at Jay. "Let the doctors do their work Stone, there is nothing you can do about it" It felt like hours and hours standing there, looking at the room Emily was in while the doctors performed CPR. I am not really sure how long it took me to realize it had already been to long that she was out and she would never be able to make it out of here alive, let alone without brain damage. "Time of death, 16:45" 

I just stood there. There was nothing we could do, nothing we were supposed to do but yet it felt like somehow we let her down. "I am really sorry guys, I hope you got all you needed?" "Ehm yeah thanks Connor" Jay said while looking at me. "How did this happen? She seemed fine when we talked to her, stable" I looked past Jay and straight at Connor. "She was doing better but it seems like she developed a subacute hematoma. There is nothing anyone could have done" I nodded. "Thanks again Connor, for all you did for Emily" "Sure thing" The surgeon nodded a quick goodbye and then walked away. "Lets get back to the district, Voight is going to want to know Emily identified Ian Brown and that she has passed" I told Jay as I grabbed my coat. "Are you ok?" "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be? It is unfortunate and it hurts but it is part of the job and I have been through it before so no big deal. Lets go chuckles" "Detective chuckles miss" Jay and I laughed and then headed back to the district. I knew hearing me joke assured him that everything was ok and for once it really was" 

"Ok so Emily identified Brown as her attacker. We are lucky to have gotten there in time because she developed a subacute hematoma and passed away just as we were about to leave" I informed the unit. "Ah that's a tough one, you both doing ok?" "Yes, thanks Kev" I smiled at him. "Alright, lets wrap this up. It was a tough day" Voight said while looking over the unit. "Y'all are doing an awfull lot for this city, never forget that" 

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