Kiss in the flight

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"Alright, we've got news a major drug deal is going down tonight. Here in Chicago. Miller wants us on it" Voight briefed us in on the task given to us. "The drug deal will be taking place in the abandoned warehouse on Roosevelt and Racine. We will be setting up snipers in all corners of the center of the building. Upton you are going to one of them. Also around the perimeter we will have a few snipers set up. Ruzek has been undercover with the buyers, he is going in naked so we are going to make sure he is covered. Halstead, Burgess, Atwater and Stone, the four of you will be hidden in the center where the buy will take place" Voight explained the way we were going to handle this. "Sarge, that warehouse is atleast 5000 square feet, how are we going to cover all that? There is no way we can make sure there are no backup guys hidden somewhere ready to ambush us or the dealers. A lot of guys on the street have heard about the deal" "Stone is right, we are going to need more boots on the ground to help us cover the whole place" Burgess supported my observation. "Remember we have to stay in the dark, we have to stay unseen to make this bust" Voight objected. We nodded. Jay and I shared a concerned look knowing that if both dealers had back up or another gang intervened things could go south real fast. 

We arrived at the warehouse 4 hours before the drug deal was supposed to go down. We took a look around the warehouse and then took our places. About an hour later the buyers arrived. We saw Ruzek hop out of the car with them and then wait. They were all carying automatic and semi automatic weapons. "Alright, everyone only use your radios when absolutely necessary" Voight silently radioed. "Copy that" I answered and turned the sound of my radio far down. "The dealer just arrived at the scene" Upton radioed.  I saw a car approaching and immediately signaled Burgess, Atwater and Halstead. "Please let this all go as planned" I said to myself. 

The drug deal seemed to be going 'great'. There were no sudden actions and Ruzek had not used the safe word yet. Suddenly shots could be heard from outside the warehouse. "What the hell, they deal hasn't gone down yet" I wispered to halstead. The dealers and buyers took out their guns and looked at one another suspiciously. "10-1! 10-1! shots fired at the police! One of our own has been shot!" We heard Voight over the radio. "Upton" Kim, Kev, Jay and I immediately looked at one another. I signaled towards the dealers and buyers. We had to make sure they didn't start killing each other. The shots came closer and the tension inside was immense. "You son of a bitch! You are trying to rip us aren't you!" the dealer yelled at the buyer. "You tried to set us up for an ambush!" the buyer yelled back. Both parties lifted their guns. The team and I shared a look and got up immediately, we had to. "CHICAGO PD! DROP THE GUN!" 3 out of the 8 people dropped their guns and got on their knees terrified but the others started shooing back. 

We all took cover and fired back. I hit one twice in the chest. Halstead and Burgess went around and came from behind the offenders. When they turned around to fire at Burgess and Halstead Kev and I fired back at em. "Offenders down! Roll a couple of ambo's down to our location" I put back my radio and went over to Jay and Kim. "You two ok?" "Yeah. You and Kev alright?" "I think so yeah" Kim and I looked at each other. 

 "Alright, we have to get out of here. We had called of the ambulances since all of the offenders that shot at us had died. We cuffed the other three and took them with us, Ruzek followed. As we went out back of the ware house we were awaited by 3 secret transfer cars that quickly took the three guys from us and drove away. The shooting out front had stopped for a while but if those shots indeed came from an ambush this wasn't done yet. Especially if cops got hurt. 

When we got outside the five of us looked around we didn't see Upton or Voight anywhere. "Halstead, Stone, Ruzek, Atwater, Burgess. Copy me?" Voight's voice broke the silence as he spoke through the radio. "Yes, Yes we copy" I answered. "Are you guys alright?" "Yeah we're fine. What the hell happened?" "It seems like the dealer thought to make a little easy money and wanted to kill and rob his buyers" Voight gave us his theory. We heard yelling from around the corner. "Sarge, they are still here where are you guys?" "Upton was shot in chest so we had to back off. We are 2 blocks away in a parking garage. We were completely taken by surprise so they attacked from multiple sites, they must have known we were here" Voight explained. "Wait Upton was shot?!" Atwater asked. The yelling came closer. "Alright sarge we will get to you, we have to get out of here. We are going dark" Jay said. "Copy that" We all turned the volume of our radios down and went around the warehouse to get to the parking garage, not knowing we were being followed. 

 We were being followed by the ambush team since we had the drugs and money in our posession right now, I told Voight this could happen but he wouldn't listen. "Alright how are we going to get to the garage without them following us?" I suddenly said. "Who is following us?" Ruzek asked. "That ambush crew. They are behind us. I am not sure if they've seen us but they know we are here somewhere". Jay looked around. "Stone is right. Alright, Burgess, Stone you two are going to get to the garage and help Voight and Upton immediately. "What do you mean only Burgess and I?" "Exactly like I am saying"

The shouting from the ambush gang became louder and louder. Jay pushed me and Kim through a small opening in the wall. "It is to small for me, Ruz and Atwater. You two get to the other side and find Voight and Upton "NO! I am not leaving you!" Burgess and I were ready to fight back and come with them. "Burgess, Stone. Upton is hurt, you have to get to her and fast. It is easier to blend in with the night if it is only us three now go!" "Jay damn it!" I hit him. He quickly turned around and kissed me. Burgess, Ruzek and Kev both looked surprised. "Go, Mia. Get to the other side and find Voight and Upton. We'll meet you guys back at the district ok, I love you" "I love you too" I kissed Jay once more and then Burgess and I went on our way. 

Burgess and I were going through a second warehouse a little further from the warehouse the drugdeal was supposed to happen. "So, you and Jay huh?" "Yes, it just kind of ehm happened?" "You two look cute together. For how long has this been going on now?" "For 4 months I guess" "Wait, you two were able to keep this hidden from the department and the unit for 4 whole months?!" "Ehm yeah I guess we did" I laughed. "Respect" Burgess laughed. "Alright I believe if we go right here we find a door leading to the parking garage" I changed subject. Burgess nodded. 

"Stone! Burgess! Hurry, I need help keeping pressure!" Voight saw us coming and immediately called us over. Upton was layed on the ground and her shoulder was covered in blood. Somehow she was still conscious. "I..I am ok guys" Upton said. "Yeah you are" I smiled. "Why didn't you radio for an ambulance" I whispered to Voight. "If these guys are still around and see an ambulance pull into a parking garage they'd do the math and realise we are here. But she needs to get to a doctor as fast as possible" Voight explained. I wasn't really sure but I thought I heard fear in his voice. "Hailey?" Kim suddenly ripped me from my thoughts. "Hailey?!" Kim tried again. "Upton? You still with us?" I tried to nudge her awake but there was still no reaction. "Oh god" Voight said. "I need an ambo to my location immediately!!!" I yelled through my radio. "Upton hold on! Please hold on Hailey!" Kim said slightly panicking for her friend and partner. 

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