When everything falls apart

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"29 year old female! GSW to the shoulder. Conscious for a long time but eventually passed out. She has lost a lot of blood. Intubated in the field" The paramedics brought Hailey in and she was quickly rushed into a room. Voight, Kim and I stood back and watched as they cut of Hailey's clothes and got an iv in. Dr. Choi made an assessment of the wound and had April page Dr. Rhodes before he came out to talk to us. Right as he came to us Jay, Kevin and Adam arrived. I don't think Jay and I were really thinking about Voight opinion and the rest of the unit not knowing about us but we immediately walked over to eachother and kissed. 

I saw the looks of the unit but I didn't really care, atleast nor right now. Dr. Choi came walking over and I tried reading his facial expressions but he kept a straight face. "How is she doing doc?" Voight asked. "We send her up to surgery. She has lost a lot of blood. The bullet appears to have gone through an artery but not all the way and now it is stuck inside of it. It is hard to remove but we can not leave it there" Choi started. "Is she going to make it?" I asked weakly. "I am optimistic, yes." Dr. Choi looked at me concerned. "Mia, are you feeling ok?" "Yeah. I am totally fine" I lied. I felt extremely nauseous and weak. It must have been from the cut I got while Kim and I were running through that alley, but I sure as hell wasn't going to tell them that. Upton was more important right now. I had been the center of attention fot the past couple of months. "Ok. I'll let y'all know when she gets out of surgery" Dr Choi still didn't look comvinced about me being fine but he walked away anyway. 

As we were waiting in the waiting area I stood weakly against Jay. I shiffered. "Mia, are you ok?" "Hmhm" I nodded. "I am just going to get some water" I said as I tried to get completely back on my own two legs to walk away. I held still as my head was spinning. "Mia?" Kim came walking over to me and jay seeing me struggle. "I am fine.." I said. I tried to walk away again but I wsn't even through the door when my legs gave up and I fell to my knees. I passed out and fell to the floor completely. "MIA?!" Jay came running and picked me up. "WE NEED HELP IN HERE" a nurse saw what happened and came running over as she called for help. Jay felt something and then looked at his hands. They were covered in blood, my blood. "She is bleeding!" Jay said panicking. "HURRY! WE ARE LOSING A PULSE" the nurse yelled to the other nurses and Dr. Manning running over with a gurney. 

-Jay's pov- It had been an hour since Mia was rushed to surgery after they found a deep cut in her side. She has hidden it the whole time. Only not to have us take our attention off of Upton. We were all already stressed enough as it were before Mia passing out. Why would she think she couldn't tell she was hurt? I was thinking about every possible reason Mia could have but all I could think of was that she didn't want to be a burden.., but why did she feel that way? "Jay" Kim called me over as Dr. Choi came back with news on Hailey. "How is she Ethan?" I said while I walked over. "Her surgery went well and they were able to succesfully remove the bullet" He said holding something back. "But?" I pushed. "She flatlined once during her surgery, we don't fully know if it is going to have an effect on her recovery" We sighed. Relieved she was alive, but worried she wouldn't be able to recover completely. "Can we see her?" Kev asked. "Yeah, you can come with me" Dr. Choi brought us up to Hailey her room. "Thanks doc" The unit went in. "Ethan" I stayed behind. "Yeah Jay?" "Any news on Mia..?" "No I am sorry man" "thanks anyway" I walked into Hailey her room aswell.

"Any news on Mia?" Kim asked after an hour had gone by with us hanging in and around Hailey's hospital room. "An hour ago they didn't know anything yet" I said. She nodded, getting how I was feeling. "Jay, can I talk to you for a second?" Voight interrupted. "Yeah sure sarge" I knew what was going to happen now. We walked into the empty ICU waiting room. "So, you and Stone are a thing am I right?" "You are sarge, we are a couple" "Look you know the talk, I had it with you before. I don't allow relationships in my unit" "But sarge" I tried interrupting him. "You don't have to defend it Jay" Voight interrupted. "Mia has been able to deal wit he trauma and go throught he trial because she had you. I have seen it. The way the two of you didn't even think about my opinion but only wanted to feel eachother's pressence and make sure the other was ok when you arrived at the hospital made it really clear for me" Voight said. "I won't get in your way, all I ask is that you two stay professional. As soon as your relationship has a bad effect on the job you will hear me. "I nodded slightly surprised. "Thanks sarge.." Voight nodded and we walked back to the unit. I looked around to see if Kim was back but she was still trying to get an update on Mia. 

-Kim's pov- "Can you tell me if Mia Stone is out of surgery already?" I politely asked the nurse behind the desk. "No I don't know, sorry" She answered and I nodded alightly worried. It had been 2 hours now. "Kim? You looking for Mia Stone?" Dr. Manning came walking over. "Ehm yeah I am, how is she?" "She just got out of surgery, it went fine but you might want to come with me. I think she migth need a friend when I'll update her on some things we found out" Dr. Manning said. It concerned me. Wouldn't Jay be better at supporting her with whatever she was about to get told? When Dr. Manning and I walked into Mia her room she had jsut woken up. "Hey Mia" I sat down by her side. 

-Mia's pov like earlier- Kim and Dr. Manning came walking in as I opened my eyes. I was glad someone was there but I was wondering where Jay was. They must not have told him i was out of surgery just yet. "Hey Mia" Kim sat down by my bed side. I smiled at her trying to assure her I was fine. "Ok so Mia, I am glad to see that you are doing better. There is something I wanted to update you on tho" Dr. Manning said. "Ok ehm go ahead" I said concerned. "So you cut is all stitched up and won't be an issue. You did lose a lot of blood but with a tranfusion we were able to keep you from bleedin out" Dr Manning began. I nodded. "But when we were doing an ultrasound to scan for any internal bleeding, We discovered that you are pregnant" I looked at her in shock. "Sorry, but that can't be right" "I ran a serum pregnancy twice and both of them came out positive aswell, you are pregnant Mia" "Oh Mia" Kim put her hand on mine as I sat there in shocking realising this is one of those moments when everything falls apart. Dr. Manning left the room and I looked at Kim terrified. "How the hell am I going to tell Jay" I said panicking. "Hey Mia, HEY! Listen to me!" Kim said.m"You are going to tell jay and he is going to be extremely happy ok. He is crazy about you, and I know you are crazy about him. Everything will be ok, ok?" I nodded still not entirely convinced. Kim got up to go and get Jay and update the unit about how I was doing.

"Mia!" Jay came running towards my room. "Oh thank God you are ok" He hugged me and kissed my forehead. I looked at him a broke down. "Hey what is going on? What did the doctors tell you?" He held me in his arms. "Jay, I need to tell you something" I said getting out of his hug. "What is it baby?" "I...I...I am pregnant" 

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