Chapter Eleven

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Like that?"
"A little longer. Cut it here." Will and I were sitting on a free bed in the infirmary, leaning at the wall and cutting bandages and doing other medical stuff. I actually enjoyed it, it was like hanging out with a friend. The only problem was that we were sitting so close. And that Thalia Grace's voice was in my head. Well actually, I heard her saying that Apollo was hot. My brain didn't know what to do with that information but it still repeated it over and over. It was making me nervous and I couldn't sit sti-
"Ouch!," I yelled. I didn't watch out and cut my finger. Will looked at me, a little bit amused.
"Permission to touch you?"
I sighed and nodded. He took my hand. Why are his hands so soft and warm?, I thought. I didn't know what to feel anymore. One side of me screamed to instantly withdraw my hand and run away. The other side said I should take his hand. I shook my head and tried to listen to Will.
"Only a small cut. Wait here, I'm getting a band-aid." He stood up and came back with a box. "Which one does the prince of the dead want? You choose, your majesty." I glared at him. "Your're a dork." Will smiled.
"Would you prefer heir of the hell? Or E-boy from the neighborhood?"
"Why did I ever agree to stay here? Gods, I hate you." I actually enjoyed our conversation, altough I'd never admit it.
"Oh, hey a Myth-o-magic band-aid! Do you know that?" My eye began to twitch.
"No." I said calmly. Solace looked at me.
"Really? How many attack points does Mr D have?" My eye started to twitch harder.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Okay. Then I'll give you this barbie band-aid." I whimpered.
"Okay, fine! Please, give me the Myth-o-magic one! I'm begging you!" Will gasped dramatically.
"I knew it! I knew deep inside you'e a little geek." I sighed.
"Please, let's change the subject. I need new clothes would you go shopping with me? I don't wanna look like a surfer boy anymore. I'm the E-boy from the neighborhood." Will smiled exitedly.
"Holy Aphrodite, I love shopping! And I'm really honored that you asked me to go with you." I snorted.
"Who else should I ask? Jason? Never, he's too..."
"Hetero?," he said with a small smile. Ah, yes, the moment my voice decided to disappear. I finally managed to say:
"Kinda." Will started to giggle.
"Well, I'm the right man for shopping. I'll ask Chiron when I have the chance."

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