Chapter Nineteen

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"Will – "
I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"Calm down!", Nico yelled to drown me out. "I won't kill you!"
"I sure hope so!", I said, breathing heavily. "What are you doing here?"
Nico took a deep breath. "I'm bored."
"You are what?"
"I'm bored!"
"You live in a camp where you're taught to survive and not get torn apart by monsters and you're bored?"
I sighed. "There's nothing to do here in the infirmary, so you can't even help me."
He groaned.
"But hey, we're going to do a sing along tonight! And I'm gonna bring my guitar so I promise, you'll have a lot of fun."
"I thought you were unmusical?"
"I have a feeling that this is not gonna end well."
I ignored him.
"Hey, can I braid your hair?", he suddenly asked.
"Okay? Why?"
"I used to braid my sister's hair."
Oh. He was talking about his other sister.
"But I wish I could do Hazel's hair! She'd look amazing with a different hairstyle, but she doesn't care about that stuff."
"Says the boy who looks like a hedgehog."
"Hey! I have a reputation!"
"Just start."

Twenty minutes later, I looked like Rapunzel in Tangled and Nico looked satisfied with himself.
"Just start glowing now and we're fully done," Nico grinned. I started to sweat and tried to change the subject.
"I'm gonna paint your nails now. For your 'reputation.'"
He looked horrified.
"What? No! This is ridiculous!"
Five minutes later, he looked damn fabulous.
He sighed. "Let's just go to the campfire, please."
Eyooooo I was gone for a long time...but now I'm back!!
I'll try to update more often now
Ly guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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