Chapter Fifteen

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I knocked on Jason's door. "Come in!" he said.
I stepped into his cabin. "Wow!" I said, looking at the giant statue of Zeus in the middle of the room. "Your cabin is incredibly ugly!"
"I know, right? I can't sleep without feeling like I'm being watched."
I snorted and smiled a little. Jason gasped. "Whoa! What was that?"
I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
"You- you smiled! I've never seen you do that before!"
"Don't be overdramatic, Grace. You won't believe it, but I can feel emotions, too."
"No way!"
I rolled my eyes. "Hey, while we're talking about emotions...I have a problem."
"A problem like 'I accidentally broke Annabeth's favorite Lego Architecture set?'"
I twisted my skull ring. "More like a 'Code Percy'."
Jason stared at me for at least thirty seconds. "Get your sword, man. We're having a boys talk in the arena.'

"I hate it. Being like that. It's not normal."
"It is normal. You're just a different kind of normal."
I sighed. "When I was about seven years old, my mom took me – "
"To church?" Jason snickered.
I sighed. "Yes. And we talked about...being like me. That it's horrible."
"I know that you think that. And I can't change your mind that easily."
I sighed.
"Can I ask you something?" Jason said.
"I suppose?"
"Why don't you say it out loud?"
"What do you mean?"
His electric blue eyes seemed to scan me. "Why do you never say you're... gay?"
"Because people use these words as insults." I sighed again. "But if it makes you happy; I'm gay. Homosexual. Are you happy now?"
"Me? I think you are."
I wanted to yell at him but I realized he was actually right. I had never said it out loud. "Thanks."
Jason laughed. "Always. You won't tell me who your crush is, will you?"
"No. Now come on, that son of Apollo is waiting for us."

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