Chapter 17

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Kevin arrived at the venue where AJ's wedding reception was being held along with Kristin feeling happy. None of them ever thought that AJ was going to walk down the aisle considering his past with women and how many times he had previously been engaged. It was December, but it wasn’t freezing because they were in southern California.

“Hello, Kevin. So nice to see you again.” Lauren smiled at him when he greeted her. Nick was on her arm, looking as if he was bored. Kevin understood why, it was because he never cared for weddings much. 

“It’s nice to see you both as well. Is Nick okay? He didn’t say a whole lot.” Kevin said when they hugged. Nick had excused himself so they decided to talk for a little bit. 

“Nick’s fine, you know how he is about weddings.” Lauren chuckled. 

“Oh, I know. He hasn’t mentioned anything about me coming back to the group or anything like that, has he?” Kevin asked. Lauren shook her head, looking in the direction Nick had gone and shrugging her shoulders. AJ’s wedding went beautifully and the reception was a great party. Everyone seemed to be having such a good time mingling and talking. The guys even sang as AJ and his new wife Rochelle took to the dance floor for their first dance. 

“Congratulations, brother. I’m so happy I was able to see this. I can tell how much you love this woman.” Kevin said, hugging AJ when he saw him. AJ looked so happy that he was glowing. 

“Thanks, bro. I am glad you and Kris could come. I couldn’t have a Backstreet wedding without all five of us here, now could I? It wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t invite you. Now that four of us are hitched, Nick’s next.” AJ laughed. Looking at Nick, Kevin knew that this wasn’t going through his mind whatsoever. Nick didn’t like the subject of marriage because of the way his parents' marriage was turning out with the divorce and separation, the way his family had split up kind of left him cynical about the whole idea. Yet when Kevin had visited him in Tennessee and saw how Nick acted around Lauren, he could tell that the two of them were comfortable around each other. Maybe not ready for marriage comfortable, but at least comfortable where Nick didn’t feel like running away at the first sign of a real commitment like he usually did. He had good reason though because he didn't always have good luck when it came to dating. 

“Having a good time?” Kevin asked when he sat down at the table next to Nick, who was finishing a glass of champagne and watching everyone dancing. 

“Yeah, actually...I am.” Nick smiled. 

“I haven’t really gotten to talk to you since that conference meeting. I just wanted to-“ Kevin started, but Nick held up his hand so he stopped talking. 

“Look, I didn’t want to talk about this stuff today because it’s AJ’s day. I don’t want to take anything away from him- but since you want to discuss it….” Nick interrupted. Kevin sighed and finished his own drink. He felt bad now for even bringing it up at all. 

"I didn't know what to think about you wanting to come back at first because of how I reacted when you left. I was angry at you for a long time. I just was going through a bunch of shit at the time too and I took it out on you. It was wrong of me, and I'm sorry." Nick said. 

"Nick, you don't have to apologize. You’re right, we shouldn't be talking about this today. I’m sorry for bringing it up.” Kevin agreed until Nick interrupted him. 

"No, let me get this out because I need to. The thing is….you meant a lot to me. You and the guys are my family, you saved me in more ways than I can count. You have been basically another dad to me. So when you left…I guess, I- I dunno. I felt kind of like you were abandoning me, so instead of talking to you- I shut you out. I’ve been going to therapy for a while now and I guess I tend to do this to a lot of people, so I’m sorry. I hope you weren’t going to reconsider coming back because of me.” 

Kevin listened to Nick talk, not blaming himself for the first time for his little brother feeling this way….but instead proud of him for growing. Nick had definitely grown up. 

“If we are being completely honest with each other, yes. I did reconsider but everyone told me I was being a worrywart for nothing. I’m glad you told me the truth.” 

"I am sorry if I ever made you second guess coming back. I'm sorry for giving you the cold shoulder. I didn't mean it. I just didn't know how to deal with everything." Nick said, stopping to take a drink. He licked his lips and looked down, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. 

"I don't know what to say," Kevin said softly. 

"You helped me a lot. Especially when you gave me that book. I know I never told you." Nick replied as they watched AJ dancing with Rochelle. Kevin smiled at them. 

"The one I gave you for your birthday, I remember. I’m glad that it helped you. I know it didn't make sense at the time, but I felt like you were a little lost after your breakup and needed some positivity in your life. Did you ever find it?" Kevin asked. 

Lauren came over to them and put her arms around Nick, kissing his cheek. He smiled. 

"I think I did." 

“What are you two talking about?” Lauren asked. 

“Nothing, nothing bad anyway.” Nick replied innocently. Lauren looked skeptically at Nick, her eyebrow raised.

“Baby, I mean it. Everything is fine.” Nick laughed. 

“I think you owe me a dance, buster.” Lauren said. Nick stood up and kissed his girlfriend. 

“I suppose that I do. Kevin and I were just talking,” 

“Go on ahead, Nick. Have some fun.” Kevin chuckled with a smile. 

Kevin smiled back at Nick, and he knew that things would be okay. He was a bit relieved that there wouldn’t be any tension between the two of them. Lauren led Nick away to have a dance and Brian came over to the table carrying a plate with some cake on it. 

“So, I guess you two settled things?” Brian asked, licking some frosting off of the tip of his finger. 

“I think I was just worried for nothing.” Kevin laughed. He wanted to ask Nick what was going on between him and Brian, but he decided that was a conversation for another day and wasn’t about to ask Brian about it. He already knew what Brian would say, that Nick was simply being dramatic. Something told Kevin there was more to it than that. 

“Don’t tell Leigh that I snuck another piece of cake. She’ll rip me a new one for it. I’m supposed to be on a diet.” Brian said suddenly, making Kevin laugh. 

“I won’t tell her, don’t worry.” 

“I’m glad everything’s fine though, cause I didn’t want to go into recording another album with Nick being all pissy.” Brian said.

“What are you talking about? What is going on with you two?” Kevin asked before he could stop himself. 

"Just what happens when people have different priorities." 

With that, Brian took his cake to hide from Leighanne elsewhere and Kevin was left feeling confused. He was just happy that he and Nick were okay and he could go into all of this knowing that all of his brothers were happy with his decision. 

He just wondered how everyone else would take the news. 

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