Chapter 20

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“Do you think I’m doing the right thing, honey?” Kevin asked as he looked over at his wife in the bed next to him. Kevin was having trouble getting to sleep knowing that the big meeting was tomorrow. He was meeting with the guys to tell them that he was leaving the band and he’d felt sick to his stomach all day to the point where he’d hardly eaten anything at dinner. 

“You know I can’t answer that for you, sweetie. Are you having second thoughts?” Kristen asked. Kevin leaned back, sighing deeply. 

“I-I don’t know. I’ve been with them for so long. It’s going to be weird. I am giving them my blessing to continue, but what if they don’t want to continue? I don’t want to ruin things for them. We’ve worked so hard to get to this point.” 

“So are you going to tell them you want to take a break? I know you said on the last tour you were all getting on each other’s nerves because everyone was tired. Maybe if you bring it up, they will tell you they feel the same way. This is about what you want. I want you to be completely sure you want to do this before you go into that meeting tomorrow, but I won’t be the one to decide it for you. Only you can do that.” Kristin said, kissing him gently on the shoulder. 

Kevin kissed her on the forehead, nodding as he thought back to the Never Gone tour. There were so many things going on during that tour, even while they were recording. It was getting to be too much for him. He wanted to start a family with Kristin. He wanted to try some acting. None of these things seemed possible to do while he was in the group because of their schedule, and he was just tired. He wasn’t inspired anymore to create music. Finally he decided that he was going to leave the group, or at the very least take a break. He knew it would hurt the guys but it was just something he had to do. 

“You’re right. I can’t let this drag out any more, I have to tell them. I’m going to tell them tomorrow. I called the meeting with everyone and our management, and I’m going to go through with it.” Kevin said. He kissed Kristin and they turned out the light, although he wasn’t able to sleep. Memories came and went throughout the night, memories with the other four guys that were basically family to him. Before he knew it, the sun was coming up. He decided to make a pot of coffee and fix breakfast for himself and his wife, so that by the time she came downstairs there was a plate of scrambled eggs and toast waiting for her. 

“Someone was up early.” Kristin smiled at him from the kitchen doorway wearing her nightgown and a robe. 

“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep. I gotta be down there by 11. My stomach is in knots.” Kevin replied, starting on the bacon. He was quiet during most of breakfast and had two cups of coffee before anyone spoke again. 

“I think it’s going to be fine. They’ll understand.” Kristin smiled, drinking her coffee. 

“I hope so.” he sighed. 

Kevin drove to the meeting with a weight in his stomach from anxiety, his heart pounding the whole way. He parked and headed inside, hoping he wasn’t the first one there. 

“Hey, cousin!” Brian said brightly, waving at him. Kevin didn’t smile, he looked at his feet. How was he going to go through with this? Maybe if he turned around really quickly and ran back to the car, nobody would question anything. He would turn around on one….two…..three…..

Why wasn’t he running? 

“Hi, Brian. Good to see you.” Kevin replied, hugging him. 

“I thought I was the first one here. I can’t wait to talk about the new album, how about you? I have so many ideas. I’ve been writing some music too.” Brian boasted, eager to make small talk before they went inside to discuss the album with their friends. 

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