Chapter 7

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"Hi," Ethan said, sitting down next to me. 

Don't punch him, don't punch him, don't punch him.

"Hi," I responded, plastering my best fake smile. 

"So I was thinking of finalizing the hypothesis and procedure sometime this week, but I have soccer practice every day except today, so can you do today after school?"

"Yeah, sure. Oh, wait. I don't have a ride," I said, knowing that he has a car that he drives to school every day. 

"I can drive you home." Perfect. 

"Oh that would be great. Thanks."

"Yeah, no problem." 


We met at one of the tables in the library after school. I had already taken out my computer and was waiting for Ethan. 

"Hey," he said as he finally. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh?" I asked, wondering what could he possibly have to say. 

"I wanted to apologize for what my friends did to your friend at the party. I didn't know what they were doing, but I'm sorry that I couldn't stop it."

"Oh," I said, speechless. This man has the audacity to apologize for something he was a part of? How dare he pretend he had nothing to do with that? He does not have the right to apologize for Dylan's pain. He was the one who caused it, and a few simple words won't bring him justice. 

"How badly is he hurt?" He asked. 

I could lie and tell him that he's fine, but he would see Dylan's face around school and be able to tell that he's not fine. Also, guilt would be a good look on him. "Pretty bad," I answered. 

"Oh. If I had known they were doing it..." his voice trailed off. 

"It's fine." It was not fine. "What's done is done." Not nearly.

All he did was give a nod. That bastard. Where did he go off apologizing for pain that he caused?! It was his fault and a few simple words won't even out the score. Just you wait, Ethan Prescot. I will make you really sorry.

The rest of the work we finished in silence. 

Then, we walked to his red sports car and I climbed into the passenger seat. 

"I heard that you went on a date with Sam," he said. It was not a question. 

"Yes, I did." 

He didn't say anything in response. His eyes were glued to the road. 

After a few moments of silence he said, "Go out with me." Also not a question. 


"Go out with me instead of Sam." I could say yes to him, but I felt that it was too early to start dating him. I needed him to genuinely like me to avoid becoming one of his "girlfriends."

"No," I responded. 


"Because he actually likes me." His face was unreadable. I hated him. 

"And who's to say that I don't like you?" He asked. My heart skipped a beat at those words, but that was probably just me nervous that I might screw this up and the rage I felt towards him.

"Even if you did like me, he likes me more." 

"You don't know that."

"You are Ethan Prescot. You don't like anyone."

"And what makes you say that?"

"The whole school knows about you and experiences."

"They could be wrong."

"Are they?"


"What do you think of me?" He finally asked. 

"I think that you are arrogant, conceited, and cruel," I answered honestly. 

"Is that what you really think of me?" He asked, finally taking his eyes off the road to look at me. 


"Well you are wrong."

"Prove it."

"Go on a date with me." 


"Then how do you expect me to prove you wrong?"

"Surprise me."

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