I can't stop

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The day went fast and it was Sunday.

I wake up laying next to Nick.

The last days I saw Miss Howard of course but I  did what said and act like it was nothing.  But the truth is...

I can't  stop thinking about it...

The last days I spend with my boyfriend Nick. I love him but, this one moment with her, never feel like all the moments with Nick. I don't know  why it is so, I don't really know she, but I can't stop thinking about her. How her lips feel on mine, her taste and the feeling, I've never felt so before. 

My thoughts are the whole time with Miss Howard.

I look over to Nick if he is awake, but he is still asleep. 

I stand up and grab my few things and get dressed. I want to go so fast I can, but so that I don't wake him up. I search my  clothes in his room and found all and  start dressing. 

I go the stairs quite down, not that his parents hear me I reach the house door and close them quite behind me and go home.

The whole day I thought about what I did and about Miss Howard. I try to focused on other things and start to do my homework for the week. Usual I don't do it but now I need something other to think about. 

Around 10.am Nick wrote me if all okay with me and why I  go without say goodbye.  I read it  and wrote him hours  later back and excused me  that I go without say goodbye  and  that I wrote him so late because I have something important  to do. But the truth was I don't know how I can look at him and lay next to him.

I focused back on my work and look at my timetable and see that I have tomorrow English. 

I bite down on my bottom lip and have something in my mind.  

Suddenly I shake my head and rip me out of my  thought. Stop y/n  SHE IS YOUR TEACHER.

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