Why do you care so much?

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It was Monday and I make my way downstairs like every single morning. My mother make breakfast like ever when she have no night shift. 

After breakfast I say 'good bye' to my mother and made my way to school.

As I was on school I meet Lisa and Nick like every day. 

First  we had biological, not the best way to start into the week, but maybe it will get better.

---------(time skip last lesson English)

The school bell rang to let us  know  that the school is over, the most from my class get  out and  also Nick because  his mom says that he have to come home fast and Lisa mean that her father pick she up because their have a family meeting or so I don't know.

I was the last in the room and wanted to get out, but I also wanted to ask Miss Howard if all is okay with her because she looked so out like something happen the last days. She didn't gave so much attention then always to the lesson and sometimes when you call she, she didn't hear it. 

I was almost on the door as I get the courage to turn around and go closer to her desk. She stand there, doing something that I don't know. First she didn't noticed that I stand next to her, until I asked she if all okay is with her or if  he hurt her again. She looked at me now without saying a single word. I stand there, nervous playing with my fingers. It's not usual to ask this question his teacher. 

"Why do you care so much about me? You don't know me" , "I-I know but I  also know how it is and that you afraid or you think that id would gone or it will get better. Often they  said they will stop and they are sorry but it will never stop". 

She still look at me.

"Did someone hurt you?" she ask me. 

I stand there, not answering her because it's a hard  theme in my  life. "You don't have to be with him, you can get help", "It's be fine" she say and look away. I grip her arm, not knowing why I did this...

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