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Billie's pov:

I open my eyes and see y/n laying next to me, her bare back facing me. The sun shine through the window in the room and make it more light. Slowly I trail my fingertips over her spin down and back up. I drawing small patterns on the middle of her back, loving the feeling of her skin under mine touch, not wanting to think what it is like when she has to go in about 10 hours. 

My lips slowly placed kissed on her neck along toward her shoulder, resting my hand there and my face close against her back. Feeling the warm of her body against mine. Inhale her scent. 

Promised to myself that I never let she go again. 

I feel y/n shifting next to me before she turn around to me and open her eyes slowly. Blinking a few times before her y/e/c was visible for me. With my left hand I slide a small strand of hair behind her ear and hover my lips over her forehead before I place a gentle kiss on them. Making she smile at me. 

I can't hide the smile that form on my lips as I looked at her. Never getting tired of this sight, her next to me. 

"Morning" she whisper with raspy voice. "Morning" I mumble back at her and connect our eyes. Her eyes sparkle at me.

She didn't said  something, just leaning close to me and press our lips together.
My hands tangle in her hair to bring she closer.

"I go shower now" y/n whisper against mine lips and give me a quick kiss before she get up before I can hold she back with me in the bed.

"When you stand up you will break this small dream bubble where we are y/n". A smirk was on her lips as she stand up and get teasingly around the bed to my side, safe distance from me and her eyes made eye contact with mine before she go backward to the bathroom how she did once.

"And when you will join me in the shower, for shower then we can still live in the small dream bubble where we are now, without that I destroy them".

"But when of course you're too exhausted for it-" she bite down on her lower lip to stop herself from talking.

"Excause me but I will show you who is to 'exhausted' " I quickly jump up from bed and behind her into the bathroom before she can close the door.
"Nonononon" squeaks y/n as I start to ticklish her sides.

"Stop this Billie" she say between laughs and I stopped. Giggling at her reaction.
She crossed her arms in front of her stomach, that I couldn't reach her hips proper.

"I said only shower, not more", "you don't have still enough from yesterday?"  she add and her eyebrows raised at me playfully.

"You know babe, I would never get enough from you" I say seductive and slide my hands under her crossed arms to her hips and press she closer to me.  Unite our lips together again in a passionate kiss.

Our bare fronts pressed together and we both smirk into the kiss as they got heavier.

"No" she chuckle, our lips still against each others. And push me softly away. I still try to have my lips against hers. 

"It's not fair". Y/n rolls her eyes at me and turn around to turn the water on. When the water was warm enough, she get in and hold her hand towards me, who I take and get behind her inside the shower. Closing the shower door behind me and turn back to my smiling lover.

The water wets our invited bodies as we both stand under the shower head, sharing kisses and giggling at each other without a reason. 

"Turn around" I say and she did hoe I demand. 
I grab the shampoo bottle as her back was toward me. "I can do that by myself Billie", "yes, but this is better" I whisper in her ear and let she shiver under the sound of my voice. I put a small point shampoo on my hand palm before I carefully massage it in her wet hair. Y/n crossed her arms in front if her chest as I start to massage her scalp with my fingertips. Her eyes closed and she whimper at the feeling. Melting into my touch. Giving more pressure on 
the back of her head and lower my fingertips after a time down to her shoulders. Pressing my thumbs in her upper back to  get the tense out of her bones that she hold. Sliding her hair to the left side over her shoulder. 

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