Is all okay?

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...She faced me again and we look deep in each other eyes. There was a silence between us both, but not a really uncomfortable silence. 

"I know i'ts not my business, but no one deserve this. And I know I'm not allowed to do this, but when you need help or just want to talk you can call me" I lay a noticed with my phone number on her desk and give her a last smile before I let  go of her arm and go out of the classroom with my bag. 

Billie's pov:

She lay the noticed on my desk and grab her bag and get out of the room. 

I still locking after her where she going, I didn't can see her anymore. I still trying to realize what this was a few minutes ago . I turn my head back toward my desk, want to continue my things I have left. 

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming closer and I look over to the door and see y/n fast walking in back and close the door behind her. 

 "Do you for-" she interrupt me with grabbing the collar of my blouse and pull me closer toward her and  crash her lips on mine. 

First I froze but then I kissing she back. The kisses get more and she pressed me against the edge of my desk. We pull away for air and look into each other eyes. She smiled and I looked again down on her lips before pull she into a kiss. I turn us around so she was pressed on the edge of the desk. Our hands travel over each other body and I pushed my tongue into her mouth and explore them. I kisses she on her jawline to her neck and she bring her hands to the buttons of my blouse and start unbutton them. Her head fall back and a moan comes over her lips. I smirk against the soft flesh from her neck and pull she up on the desk and stand between her legs. I start biting on her neck and unbutton the button from her jeans. She was almost done with unbutton my blouse but suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Fuck" I whisper and pull back from her. She whimper from the lost of the contact from my lips on her neck. 

I button my blouse back up and slide through my hair to make them a bit normal.

"Stand up" I say to her and she do and unbutton the one button from her jeans. She gulp and I helped her with her shirt that hang down from her shoulders. She get down from the desk and go a bit away with her bag and I call the person in who interrupt us. It was the headmaster who wanted to ask me something because of my lessons. 

He comes in and looked a bit confused at y/n and me. 

"Is all okay" he asked and looked at y/n. 

Her face was a bit red and she say that all is okay. I get between them and explain that she asked me something for the exam who we write in one week and if I can explain her short one thing because she forget to ask me in the class and she was afraid to forgot the question because  she forgot a many things. He didn't say something against it and just gives us a smile. 

"I think it's good when students have questions and can ask the teacher every time without being so afraid to ask. A many have a problem to ask", "yes I think it's very important" I answer and look over to y/n and then back to the headmaster. 

"Do you have some more questions y/n?" I ask and look at her.
"No Miss Howard, thank you for your help", "of course". Y/n smiled and get to the door and say good bye to us and get out of the room. I sigh and talked with the headmaster about my lessons.

Still overwhelmed from that what happens a few minutes ago and smiling toward me.

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