Onze - A Poisonous Kiss

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PERSEPHONE sat alone at the breakfast table. The others had departed long ago to whatever post they were assigned to, and Persephone hardly noticed when they left. Much like she hardly noticed the eyes that had watched her throughout the breakfast, some brimming with envy and others with curiosity, but all held a twinge of distrust.

Why had Persephone not been joining the others at their posts, as was expected of them all? And what were the books Persephone had her nose stuck in constantly? Some had tried to extract the information from her, but all had failed, receiving only rebukes and insults in place of answers.

Yet Persephone did not seem to mind, nor care, as she sped through the books Riddle had assigned to her with both marvel and hunger. Each page contained knowledge she had been deprived of, and Persephone was determined to make up for lost time. So her focus remained on the books rather than her silly peers. She felt no need to explain to them her current mission. They were silly creatures, and she had no use for their silly opinions.

Her focus was so singular she missed the presence that came up to her and closed the book she was reading. She turned in rage, but felt her ire soften to annoyance when she saw who the intruder was.

"A bit of light reading?" Asked Alphard Black as he grabbed the book to examine it.

"I was, before I was interrupted. Now if you could kindly give it back.." Persephone stated with a raised eyebrow.

"I just want to know what has preoccupied our young Ms. Bourgoyne's time," Alphard teased as he put the book out of reach of Persephone while examining it. "Secrets of the Darkest Arts? Persephone, where did you get this?" He asked with concern as he turned to look at our heroine.

"That's really none of your concern. Now give me the book before I take it by force." Persephone stated as she grabbed her wand in warning.

"He gave it to you, didn't he?" Alphard's voice softened with concern as he slowly handed the book back to Persephone.

"I don't know who you're talking about." Persephone feigned ignorance as she opened the book back to where she had finished reading before she was interrupted.

She did not get a chance to resume reading as Alphard snapped the book shut once more. "Do not play dumb with me, Persephone. I know when you're lying just like you know to whom I'm referring."

Persephone leaned back in her chair in a huff. "Alright, yes, Riddle gave me the book. He's helping me refine my power, and this is part of my education."

"That's a very serious book, Seph. It's banned nearly everywhere, and for good reason, too. No good ever came from that book, except destruction." Alphard's brows furrowed as fear crept through him.

"Yes, I'm quite aware of what is in this book, thank you very much." Persephone responded with insolence. "But unlike some here, I actually want to learn and be of use."

Alphard adorned a look of shock, as if Persephone had reached out and hit him. "Since when do you care about this stupid blood superiority nonsense?"

Persephone felt cold as she saw a look of betrayal in her oldest friend's eyes. "I don't, you know I don't." She responded, hoping he'd stop looking at her like a stranger.

"Then what do you care about, Persephone? You've hardly spoken to anyone, you used an unforgiveable curse on Amory.."

"You." Persephone responded and grabbed one of Alphard's hands in her own before he could finish listing her faults. Alphard's eyes searched Persephone's for what felt like a lifetime, hoping to find a shred of truth in them.

"That may be true, but it's not what you care for most. And I fear what you may."

"I'm not going to settle for an ordinary life, Alphard," Persephone answered resolutely. "And I hope that, as my friend, you will support the choices I make." Alphard's eyes dropped, and Persephone moved to gather her belongings. "I must go, Alphie. Don't worry about me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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