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real life

"Sweetheart, I'm going to go out for some air for a few moments—"

"Meaning you're going out for a smoke?"

Piper raised her eyebrows at her dad who looked sheepish.

"Yeah... four hours was a bit too much," he chuckled and leaned in to peck her forehead. "Thank you for a wonderful birthday. I'll meet you outside in a second?"

"I'll come with you, darling," her mum said, linking her arm through her husband's. Piper pouted.

"You don't wanna come backstage with us?" She asked, pointing her thumb at Adrian, who was standing a few feet away, talking on the phone with Sam. "You know, I had to pull a few strings."

Her dad chuckled and smiled at her. "I'm knackered, Pipes. We'll meet you kids outside?"

Piper sighed and slumped her shoulders. "Alright, we'll come with you, then. We can get supper somewhere."

"No, sweetheart, I know you want to meet that actress— the one who plays Eliza," her mother gave her a knowing look, a small, playful smirk adorning her face. Piper flushed red. "Go on ahead, love. Your father and I will be fine."

Piper hesitated for a second but eventually she sighed. "Okay, I'll see you soon, then."

She got on her tip toes, kissed each of her parents on the cheek, and grabbed Adrian by the sleeve of his jacket. She pulled him in the direction of the backstage area that was relatively less empty than the rest of the theatre. There was a security guard outside who looked pretty scary, though he did seem to recognise the two of them.

Piper showed him an official email she had that let them back and they were led all the way to the back to a common area where a bunch of members from the cast were hanging around with some fans.

Adrian sniggered and leaned over to whisper in her ear, "this is so bloody weird. We're usually on that side of the room."

Piper chuckled. "I know, right?"

"Hey— I know you!"

Piper looked up in surprise when the Lin-Manuel Miranda pointed his index fingers at her and Adrian.

They walked further inside the room, feeling several pairs of eyes following their every move.

Piper grinned nervously at the famous playwright. "Oh my gosh, I know you!"

"Nerd," Adrian coughed and Piper bumped her hip with his as he laughed under his breath. "Hi, I'm Adrian Woods. Huge fan!"

He shook hands with Lin, who grinned back. "Hey, you guys were fantastic in Little Women!"

"Oh, that's all Greta," Piper brushed it off with a soft giggle and a wave of her hand.

"She's incredible, for sure," Lin agreed. "That's Anthony, and Jasmine, and Renee—"

"And Leslie, and Groff, and—"

Piper had started to gush excitedly over the cast, her eyes roaming around the room until they landed on Jennifer Jones, walking into the room in a casual pair of jeans and a comfortable looking, oversized sweater. She even had a pair of reading glasses on, and Piper's breath caught in her throat.

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