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Piper wrapped her scarf around her neck and grabbed her phone, making her way across the hall. She had texted JJ good morning, but hadn't received an answer yet. She figured she might either still have been asleep or possibly getting dressed. Knowing her sleeping habits, the first option was much more likely.

Piper wrapped her knuckles against the door twice and took a step back as she waited for a response. Was it mean that she hoped to catch JJ just getting out of bed? She imagined she would looked absolutely adorable, stunning even.

What she hadn't expected was for a much larger figure dressed only in a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms to open the door with a tired and confused expression on his face.

"Good morning... oh!" Realisation seemed to hit him as his eyes grew wider once her figured who Piper was. "Hi, I'm Patrick, and you must be Piper, right? I've heard a lot about you."

Piper couldn't exactly hide the confusion on her face and Patrick seemed to have caught on. "Oh, yeah, I wasn't supposed to be here but I just thought I'd fly in and surprise Jen... you know, it's Paris after all."

"Yeah... Paris," Piper muttered, her stomach dropping. She swallowed back hard, but her mouth felt dry, like she had just chewed a handful of cotton balls. Piper blinked a few times, trying look behind the large man to find any sign of JJ. She heard the toilet flush coming from the bathroom.

"Oh, Jen's just in the bathroom, if you wanna wait, or I can tell her you stopped by?"

Piper stepped back, rubbing her hands down her face. Unbelievable... She let out a bitter chuckle. "No, uh, that's totally fine. Don't worry about it. I'm going to head..."

Piper trailed off, pointing behind her and without looking back, she headed toward the elevators, still trying to comprehend what the fuck had just happened.

"Who was that?" Piper heard just as she had reached the elevators.

"Uh... your friend. She seemed a little spooked, I don't know—"


"Yeah— Jen?"

"I'll be right back."


Piper was not in any shape to deal with this right now. She straightened her back, refusing to turn around. The elevator doors opened and she stepped inside.

They didn't close fast enough.

"Hey— Pipes, wait— Pipes?"

JJ's hand made it between the doors as they had begun to close and forced them to open up again. She slipped inside and stood facing Piper, a terrified look on her face. The doors closed behind her and they started to descend toward the lobby.


Piper shook her head, holding her hand up to stop JJ from saying anything else.

"No, hey, you don't have to apologise," she said, surprised by the calmness of her voice. She was seething in the inside. "I understand."

Her voice was too quiet, too calm. She honestly wasn't sure she had it in her.

"I didn't know he was going to show up, I swear," JJ whispered. Her voice on the other was shaking slightly. She used her hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear and Piper noticed the gem on her finger shimmering.

She chuckled dryly, pursing her lips. "I believe you," Piper said. She wasn't sure if she would rather it have been a lie or not.

The doors to the lift opened up again and Piper stepped out into the lobby.

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