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The Graham Norton Show

"Jennifer Jones," Graham started, leaning forward to speak to her.

JJ leaned forward, an amused smile on her face. Piper was watching her fondly. It was hard to keep her hand in her own lap and not grab JJ's but she kept her distance anyway. They didn't want to be that couple on live television, right? 

"Graham Norton," JJ replied in the same tone that he had. Piper chuckled softly under her breath.

Graham grinned. "Jennifer." It came a little hesitant.

JJ choked back a laugh. "Graham—"

That was all it took for everyone to burst out laughing. JJ leaned back on the famous red couch, glancing slightly at Piper which made her smile widen as they laughed.

"Jen— can I call you Jen?"

JJ shook her head. "No, I don't actually like that nickname."

Piper remembered their first official meeting years ago, in that one room backstage after the Hamilton show. JJ had told her she could call her Jen, or JJ. Piper had later found out that the only person who actually called her Jen was Patrick, and she actually really did hate it.

"Okay, Jennifer Jones," Graham corrected, and then laughed again. "That's a big celebrity name. Jennifer Jones! A headliner."

"Yeah," JJ responded. "I hate it."

"Oh, no! What do you prefer to be called?"

"Anything else you like," JJ said and chuckled softly.

Piper couldn't help it. She reached over and placed her hand on JJ's knee. But that was only because of what she was going to say next.

"If it's any help, I call her my significant pain in the arse."

Everyone in the room gasped before roaring with laughter.

"You're all laughing, but she's actually used it multiple times," JJ said, narrowing her eyes in a playful glare at Piper who grinned up at her innocently.

"I'm going to stick to Jennifer, if that's alright," Graham said, still shaking with laughter.

"It's perfect," JJ responded, covering Piper's hand that was still on her knee with her own.

"This is actually your first time on this couch, right?" He asked and JJ nodded. "And Piper, it's your... second time."


"Are you enjoying London? Do we have any reasons to apologise?" He asked JJ who snorted.

Piper rolled her eyes. "Of course, not."

JJ raised her eyebrows but remained quiet. Although, Graham seemed to have caught on. "What's that look?"

JJ laughed softly. "Oh, no, nothing at all. Everyone's been really lovely... until they find out I stole Britain's sweetheart. Then, they get angry. But, I mean, whatever! Fuck it, she's my wife."

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