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"SAM!" Piper called from the kitchen.

Sam had come earlier, supposedly to help her out, but all she was really doing was play with Ham and Bacon, and take pictures and videos of Piper cooking. Piper was very pouty about it.

A few moments later, Sam walked in, with Alex's dog in tow. "What?" She walked up to the counter and dipped a cut up cucumber piece into the dip Piper had made earlier.

"Can you check on the soup? I got sauce all over my shirt, I need to go change," Piper told her, still trying to dab the stain clean, but it just wasn't working.

Sam started laughing, and when Piper looked up, she had her phone out and was taking a picture.

"Sam!" Piper complained, dropping her hands to her sides in frustration.

Sam grinned sheepishly. "Alright, do you just want me to stir?"

"Yes, please!" Piper grumbled and ran out of there.

This was her third outfit change ever since she had gotten back home from set.

She was, well, nervous.

She got rid of her t-shirt before she was even in her room and tossed it in the empty laundry basket in the corner. She could wear the dress she had initially wanted to wear. A pair of trousers seemed more reasonable a couple hours ago, but maybe this was a sign from the universe telling her dresses were the way to go.

With a sigh, she shrugged on the dress and ran back downstairs while letting her hair loose out of the ponytail to fix it up again.

"Keep your hair down! It looks good," Alex told her as he was coming up the stairs.

"Oh, when did you come home?" She asked him as they stood on the same step. He leaned in, pecked her cheek, and kept jogging up.

"Just a second ago. Oh! Mitch and Sarah are coming over, and they're bringing their friend Ben along. So, I'm going to freshen up and we'll set up an extra seat at the table... is your girlfriend coming?"

Piper had reached the last step, and she turned around, glaring at Alex while trying to hide the fact that her cheeks were blushing.

"Stop calling her that," she said with a roll of her eyes. "And I... have no clue, actually. She said she would last week. She never confirmed today, though."

Alex was smirking in amusement as he disappeared into the bathroom.

With a sigh, Piper composed herself and let the hair tie snap around her wrist, keeping her hair down as Alex had suggested. She went back into the kitchen, where she found Sam feeding Ham a piece of noodle from the soup.

"That could kill him," Piper mumbled and tied the apron around her frame again. She wouldn't change her outfit again.

"Not really, he eats his own shite," Sam said and then turned to the cat, rubbing his head aggressively. Ham liked that. "You like your own shit, don't ya, you silly bugger?"

Piper rolled her eyes but couldn't fight off her smile. She returned to fixing dinner.

"Would you mind washing the lettuce for the salad?"

"Sure," Sam asked and made her way to the sink to wash her hands first. They worked silently for a few moments before Sam spoke again. "So, Alex's being set up, apparently?"

"Mitch and Sarah's friend?" Piper asked, glancing over her shoulder to meet Sam's eyes.

"Yeah, so essentially... you'll be the only single one today. You know... unless you let me invite Andrea?"

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