End of The Night

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Yona POV

As the women in front of me started breaking into heavy tears, I had no choice but to sit and support her as I was the one who took the initiative, in truth, I knew nothing about this women whom I am currently comforting, at the end there was nothing much written about her other than the word 'mistress'. I sighed, I had imagined that when this 'mistress' would appear, she would cause trouble, be vicious and all, but...

Here that so called 'mistress' is crying like a kid in my arms. Maybe everything given in the anime was not true, just like how I Didn't knew that a ball was held for birth of the triplets, maybe this 'mistress' is not like how she is mentioned wrongly. I looked over to her as my mind could not still decided whether this women was a problem or a great help.

Her tears were smudged, making her face look reddish and pale. She seemed more of a weak fragile women from her appearance to this..her crying. I decided to finally speak after her sobbing calmed down. " Are you alright now?"

As I said that she slowly nodded her head, and tried to dry her face off the tears. I felt pity for this women, I could just see through her soar. I was 100% sure that all the pain this women suffered was all beacuse of Karl ,I was angery now at that jerk!

Ok I get it, the unknown mistress was supposed to be evil and all, no one was supposed to like her and all but here.. this women was totally the exact opposite of a mistress. Meek and weak women. Seeing her I could not hate her for being a mistress, specially not knowing her part of the story.

I spoke again, as I helped her up from the ground, " You should be careful Miss, in your condition". As I said that, I didn't noticed the slight blush on her face. She just nodded her head and took my hand, as I got her up. I smiled at her ,seeing her she was perfectly falling my orders, or more of requests.

Before I could ask more about her, the butler came rushing from behind us, he screamed at top of his lungs," Miss Anglica, where were you? I was searching for you, to send you back!"

So her name was Anglica, I never had heard of this name in the anime, maybe because she was just an extra that's why.

While the butler spoke to her as he came closer to us, Anglica kept looking at me, ignoring the words of the butler.

She smiled at me and spoke, "Thank-you for helping-me". I responded with a smile, "No problem".

With that I introduced myself, "My name is Cordelia, nice to meet you Anglica?"

She seemed confused when I called out her name when it hit her how I knew her name. She spoke," Yes, nice to meet you too Cordelia".

While we were busy introducing ourselves, the butler had a annoyed look for her ignoring him. He spoke again with a hint of annoyance laced in it, " Miss Anglica, we need to go!".

With that this time, she turned towards him and responded, " Ok!".

She looked back at me, and gave me a smile and spoke, " thank you Cordelia once again for being for me".

I truly did not understood what she meant by it but I let it go for now.

"I which we could talk more but I have to go". I smiled and waved my hands in air and spoke, " don't worry it's fine, no problem".

With that she smiled and turned to go with the butler when she ran towards me out of nowhere clung to me, for send if anyone saw us they would think we are lovers with the way she clung to me. I just sighed and decided to give it to my fate and patted her head.

I spoke, " don't worry I am sure we would meet in the future".

She nodded her head like a obident puppy and said yes.

I added " and.. next time let's not have a crying session".

She blushed and then nodded. With that she departed with the butler while I kept waving my hands, knowing if I wouldn't even say goodbye she would cry. With that she disappeared out of my sight and I relaxed a little. The carriage appeared in front of me in the porch. I opened the carriage door and sat down, more of a laid down. I sighed.

Now this was a tough day, nearly survived,I felt like that. Today was really something, first Karl's weird doing, then that guy, Karl's so called brother and now this, the hidden mistress!

What a heavy thing I got to suffer, and I didn't even got to spend time with my babies. With that after my babbling to myself, I didn't even noticed when I reached home.

I opened the door to find the whole area empty, must be because everyone is sleeping I guess, but not even the butler to welcome me was something. Just as I moved in to the house I found out there really was something to see.

In the living room, there was Beatrix and Christa with Shuu and Reiji. But seeing the main cause of trouble was none other than my 3 devil sons. All three of them were hugging each other and crying like anything,and the others were circled around them. Trying to make them stop crying. this truly horrified me, my heart broke. I ran past all servants, hugged my children to my chest, to find that the crying increased more painfully.

Beatrix sighed relief and spoke, "Just when we left all three of them clung to Shuu  and Reiji, so I brought them home with me. But in between these smart kids noticed that you were not there, since then they have been crying like anything, calmed down and again started, that's how the cycle went." With that Beatrix pushed all of them to me.

I sighed and hugged them all together and they slowly stopped crying. Christa also spoke, " it's great that they stopped or else it would have been a great impact on them". I nodded my head in agreement with her. They both were tired and Shuu was already dozing off on Reiji's shoulder. I told them all to go have a rest, yet they still wanted to help me, so nice people. Maybe if Cordelia cared then she wouldn't have suffered great. But anyway, I still refused, we all were tired from the ball already. Don't want the already tired to be more. With that I thanked them for looking after my kids and bid farewell.

I took all three of them to my room, ayato in my hands, Laito holding my hand and Kanato clinging to my dress.
I heaved a sighed, raising 3 together is not easy, now I feel the pain of my aunt who had twins.

Aunt I'm sorry I never understood you, you had twins, then you were crying tears of sweat. I have triplets, should I cry tears of blood?

Till the time I reached my room, Ayato was already asleep in my arms, Laito was just barely awake and Kanato looked sleepy.

As I laid down Ayato on my bed, made Laito and Kanato sit down, I went to grab clothes to change for them and myself.

I hurriedly changed Laito and Kanato's clothes, and they fell asleep as soon as they wore comfy clothes, then Ayato at last, I changed him too and I sighed in the end.

In truth, being a mom was tough, I felt very regretful since the time I became a mother, I treated my mother is so badly, I always thought she truly had hated me because I  never listened to her, always did what I want. I wish I could have at least have talked nicely to my mom before coming here, at least I should have said sorry!

But can't do anything now, can we? Can't go back but still if maybe I went back in my future I would change my mistakes.

I changed out of my blue dress into a warm cotton light dress. After I changed, I jumped into the bed, beside the kids. The bed..it felt so good, to come back to it made my day!

Today was a busy day, a lot happened but at the end I survived this day to change the future more, with that I closed my eyes.

I WOULD SAVE EVERYONE AS CORDELIAWhere stories live. Discover now