I am coming for you, my friend

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Yona POV-

That day I went to talk to Karl about the party, and he told me that there was no need to impress that woman anymore. After that, I went back to my usual life, spending time with the boys, the ladies and their children of course.

Christa was already 2 months pregnant now. Angelica was due this month, yet I had no idea how she was, Or if she was okay.

That for once made me worried, sure my life was good with my big family, except Karl but Anglica didn't have anyone with her, how must be she going through it?

I think Karl's only job throughout is to make women pregnant 🙄
He does that, then leaves and does not care for them. Leaves them to care for themselves and their children. How annoying it is.

As the days went by, my worry for Anglica grew, now I was in a state where I had to see her but the issue was that it was literally impossible.

Especially since I didn't where she was. Or where Karl had hidden her? I had no idea. Yet I had to find her, so I started searching for her by all means, trying not to let Karl know.

I asked people around that madam's mansion and the people who worked for her. What surprised me was that no one had any idea of such person. They had never heard of some 'Anglica' at all.

I knew something was up but my sources were limited, at the end I was not the real Cordelia, who could flirt with anyone and get her end of the deal.

With that concern in my mind, I became busy with nothing but tension until the ice was finally broken by my lovely friend, Beatrix.

One day, I was sitting on the sofa outside, thinking of what to do.

The thing was that, except me, who didn't know that everyone knew how tense I was, everyone was worried for me. Would it be the boys, Shuu, Reiji, Christa or Beatrix. They all knew something was eating me up.

Yet finally Beatrix took the courage and asked me.

That day, as I sat there, my mind kept on going on a loop about the story of Diabolik Lovers.

From Yui to the Mukami Brothers. I thought about the whole structure of the story, how the characters were made? How the story was? And all that.

I didn't know much about the game but I had done my research on it since I had decided to, at that time, also play the game yet unfortunately before such a thing could be made possible, I was transported here or reincarnated or so.

Actually, I don't even know if I could go back or not, not that I think of it, I forgot that I may be stuck here forever, even after I maybe change the story, then what? What would I do?

That's when I thought of my mother, the one who always scolded me but also loved me. For a second, I missed her and my best friend. Maybe the world I lived in was not so bad, honestly, it was great. Anime was good but now I am stuck in an anime only.

My mind was clouded right now, I thought maybe I shouldn't have wanted to change the story of the boys, maybe I should have continued on after finishing the anime, or maybe I shouldn't have connected with the characters so much.

I wondered about all these negative thoughts when I felt a press of a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to find no other than my new friend, Beatrix.

"Are you okay, Cordelia? You seemed lost in thought?"

I heard Beatrix speak as I looked at her. For a second I felt like hugging her but then I reminded myself this is not my world or the modern world.

The realization that I may be stuck here forever somehow struck me, too hard for me to react.

While I was again in my own world, ( which I am always in), Beatrix looked at me with concern as my expression changed to one of hollowness, which of course was not seen by me but she could see the despair and emptiness in my eyes. She knows it too well since she also had it once.

While I was too busy despairing, I felt a hug as she hugged me. For a minute, I thought I was hugging my mom, she also had this warm embrace. Before I knew I was hugging her tightly as I exhaled and inhaled.

I closed my eyes as I heard Beatrix speak, "Everyone is worried about you, your children, Chista, Shuu and Reiji. We all can see that you are going through something".

I exclaimed at that, I thought I hid it so well, how could others see it so easily? 

Beatrix continued, " We know that we can't help you, but you should know, we are all with you, your family".

I got away from the hug as I stared at her in shock, family? Can I also have family in this world? Would someone also love me?

Beatrix didn't feel hurt by my push but smiled at me as she nodded.

"You made us understand what family love is, how I should care for my children, how Christa and I should be friends and how we should avoid Lord Karl. You made us realize how pointless it is to run after him, you of all made us beings with her. If we aren't family then what are we, Cordelia?"

Beatrix said all this with a bright smile, I didn't even know when I started loving everyone here and when I also became a part of their life but I want! To be in their life! I want to be loved and to love those who deserve it. I  couldn't even notice the tears falling down my eyes as I stared at Beatrix and spoke, "Thank you..for being my family".

I wiped my tears off as Beatrix smiled, "Hope whatever problem you are going through, let you find a solution to it and return back to us as the Cordelia who bitches about Lord Karl every single time".

I chuckled at that as I smiled, "Yes, I found my way through, that is by my family".

After that we both smiled at that, I returned back to how I was, carefree and hating Karl again. Everyone was happy for me to be back to normal.

I don't even remember how I told everyone how much I love them, either the boys or Christa and her baby, little Subaru and Now,

I am ready to look for Angelica with a calm heart,

Angelica, I am coming for you!
You wait!
My dear Friend!


Sorry dear readers, but now I think we have to go faster in the story, otherwise we wouldn't even reach the second half until you all are old enough to be Karl's age.😁😄
I don't want you young ladies and gentlemen( if any) to age so faster. At the end you also so precious.

Till next♡♡♡

I WOULD SAVE EVERYONE AS CORDELIAWhere stories live. Discover now