Chapter five

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"Singer song writer, producer and a little bit shorter than me--"

"Damn Ryan, you really had to say that?" Bruno said.

"Hahaha--And the beautiful, Singer song writer, Paris Banks are live on air, people. The day you've been all waiting for has finally arrived. Okay so Bruno here, Co-wrote and was featured on the hitmaking song, Loving you by Paris Banks. Tell me how that came in together." Ryan Seacrest asked.

"I wrote the song," I gave a faint laugh.

"Yeah, and I came up with the track and the hook," Bruno smiled.

"Where did you get this crazy inspirationm, Paris? I mean for a starting artist like yourself, you blew a lot of people away with your charisma!"

"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Philip Lawrence and Bruno Mars. They've been more than producers to me." 

Instantly, my eyes met with Bruno but our gaze didn't last long because Ryan jumped into another question and another one...and another. The interview lasted a good eight minutes. Ryan thanked each of us for coming and offered a few snacks and drinks in the studio lounge. Bruno and I stayed for a bit, laughing at the old jokes we always made back in Hawaii.

Phil couldn't make it today because he and Ari were to record Cee-Lo. It was sort of last minute actually. The three of us were supposed to be interviewed but Cee-Lo came up with a complaint letter from his record label that if he didn't get his song recorded by six in the evening tonight then he would lose everything.

We left the radio station and were walking down the street to go to Mel's drive-in, as we planned it over text message.

"Okay, what do you want?" Bruno asked.

I was still scanning the menu. It was really hot and I felt dehydrated so I went for a sundae.

"May  I take your orders?" The waiter asked.

"Two strawberry sundaes, please."

"Coming right up," the waiter noted.

"So," Bruno started with both brows raised.

"So?" I surpressed a smile.

"You know, I miss this. Us."

"Paris is that you?" A voice caused both of us to look in the same direction of whoever was talking to me.

It was only after a few blinks that I realized  who it was. Peyton's mum.

"Oh my god, Mrs. Johnson! Hey! What are you doing here?" I hugged her as she threw me several kisses on each side of my cheeks. "You look gorgeous!"

She had on a tight dress that hugged her volumptious curves and some louboutins. Among all of my friends' mom, Peyton's mom was the freshest and the sexiest. She was a single mother and had Peyton at a young age, but that didn't stop her from being one heck of a successful woman--She had her own business--hair salon buisness. She was a true boss lady and didn't let no man come stand her way and I believe that was where Peyton got the attitude from.

"Forget me, you're a precious gem, baby girl, look at you! Damn!" She twirled me around like a dancer and admired my very body.

Bruno smiled sheepishly at our little reunion.

"Oh where are my manners, Mrs. Johnson, this is--"

"Girl, you don't need to tell me, I wasn't born yesterday. I know who he is," she said.

Bruno stood up, holding onto his shirt and politely introduced himself anyway and extended a hand. She took his hand all so lightly yet held it longer than a few seconds. Bruno had to break the contact before it got awkward.

"You know, you remind me of my late husband. You've got the hands of a musician," she said. "He was a guitarist back then. He played for legends, like MJ and was supposed to play for his this is it concert," Mrs. Jonhson explained.

"Was he as good as Hendrix?"

Bruno smiled, shyly.

"It was never about competition to him," Mrs. Johnson looked far into distance. "He did what he loved most which earned him legitimate respect."

Bruno nodded as if to agree to her statement and I could also say that he was impressed with her. Although she was a joker full of boldness and liveness, she was critical, thoughtful and she definitely had her sweet side.

The waiter returned with our sundaes. I quickly slurpped on the straw. Bruno didn't dare touch his drink. I think he was waiting until Mrs. Johnson would leave, but knowing her and how much she loved to talk--just like Pey, she wouldn't leave any time soon, in fact she would stick by us until we dropped her off wherever she needed to be.

And as predicted we spent an hour at Mel's drive-in chatting about celebrity gossip to talking deep life realities. Bruno and me never had the chance to talk about us.

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