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(there will be a series of flashbacks for the next few chapters, in order to keep the suspense as to if Mallory survives - enjoy.)


(flashback - eleven months ago)

There are many disadvantages about being Cody and Stacey Press' daughter - but being part of a very good private school downtown Orange is not one of them. 

Although I have been in a wheelchair most my life, the kids here at Smithers High School have never treated me differently: I even have a boyfriend, Dansby, and three best friends in Rose, Lindsey and Emily that are just everything to me. Those four people have kept me sane even when my parents were doing things I didn't agree with. Thankfully, Christen has always been there right by my side, and ever since she left for college, it has been harder for me to feel at home in Orange. For a few weeks now she has met someone, but hasn't said anything just yet, which means she truly cares about that girl.

This morning, I had no idea my life would change forever.

I started figuring things out when I spot Becky Sauerbrunn and her daughter Rachel waiting for me on the school court. The two blondes were standing there, their arms crossed, as I am rolling my wheelchair forward, frowning. Next to me, Rose and Emily are suspiciously staring at them, and then back at me, wordlessly asking me if everything was okay.

I can sense a different light in Rose's eyes - a light I have been trying to ignore this past year - as she softly grabs my hand before leaving with Emily. My heart does somersault  as I watch her walk away : I wish I was courageous enough to ask her to stay.

When I make it to Becky and Rachel, the latter exclaims:

"Well, kid, you ain't really fast, are ya?" 

I smirk.

"Try living in a chair, asshole" I let out, as the two women laugh.

The mother and daughter have been my allies those past couple of years - even though childhood, if we speak about Becky, who practically raised me - and sometimes I feel like they (as well as Christen of course) are my real family. 

Becky softly smiles at me, before saying:

"Your parents are both out of town, so we're here to accompany you to your doctor appointment."

"Do you really believe they will be able to make me walk again?" I ask, sighing.

Rachel hits my arm playfully.

"Not with that attitude they won't!" she exclaims, before smirking. Obviously, I couldn't do anything but crack a smile, as she adds: "You gotta believe in yourself, kid: those doctors are trying a whole new treatment with electroshocks that might be able to restart your sleepy muscles!  It sure is worth a try."

I nod my head.

After helping me seat into the car, Rachel sits down on the back seat, as her mother starts the car. Little did I know that those doctors, along with physiotherapy, were about to allow me to walk again after years...


(six months ago)

"Mallory, honey, come here please".

I obey, as my mother is staring at me coldly. 

I know that, just this morning, she has had meetings all over the city in order to sort things out with a possible investor - Dan O'Hara or something, from a neighbouring town - and with the several gangs our family is linked to. Either way, she was really pissed, and just the fact that she has requested to see me and neither Tyler or Channing are there speaks volume: something is definitely up within my own family.

As soon as I roll my wheelchair close enough to her taste, she slowly smiles at me, before confessing:

"You know you've always been my favourite, right ?" and, understanding that it was a rhetorical question that never needed any answer, I just sit there silently, waiting for what she was about to say next. After a few moments, she says: "I bet you have seen last week's announcement with surprise: now that Christen is slowly emerging from her coma, I am forced to hand some of my company over to Shelina Zadorsky."

"Why her?" I ask, confused, "Didn't you want her to fake marry Christen? I mean, what's so special about her?"

Stacey smirks. 

"Oh, sweet girl : Zadorsky is an asset, and so is everyone else but you. You, my love, are a diamond that needs to be protected."

"I am not an helpless puppy" I say, annoyed.

"Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you, alright?" my mother states, quite serious this time. "Those past few months have been harsh: first, your sister was in a coma and we just got her back. Then, we lost your father to your dear, sweet Abby. Finally, I think your other sisters are  planning on doing something very stupid. So, excuse me if I am worried about my youngest child around all those messed up people..."

"Abby isn't messed up, mom" I strongly disagree, throwing her a dark look. As my mother raises her eyebrows, I continue on the same tone: "This family - hell, our family - is messed up, and represents everything that's going wrong in this goddamn town. Abby has nothing to do with it : unfortunately for her, her heart chose Christen, the daughter of heartless people that forced her into getting engaged with a stranger in order to prevent her from being with her one true love. She isn't evil. She isn't bad. She is one of the best people I know."

Stacey Press rolls her eyes.

"Very moving" she sarcastically lets out, annoyed. After a few seconds, she ends up adding: "Either way, I want you to stay the hell away from our family's mess, do you understand? And make sure Christen does the same."

Rolling my wheelchair back, I just throw my mother an ultimate look, before saying:

"Don't worry, as long as you don't touch any of Abby, the Mewis or Christen, I won't do anything rash."

With that said, I roll out of the room, closing the door behind me.

In the corridor is waiting Becky, her arms crossed against her chest. Ever since her daughter has died, she hasn't been the same.

There was a dark light inside her eyes.

"So, tell me, kid" she starts, her hand suddenly grabbing my forearm. She stares right into my eyes, before shamelessly asking: "Are you ready to do something to stop your evil family and ally yourself to me?" 

I nod my head.

"Yes, but no harm will be done to Christen. Deal?"

"Deal" the woman answers, and I could swear I could see the lies inside her eyes...

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