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My mouth is wide open.

Abby was waiting just outside of the hospital room - hospital where she now was training to be a doctor - where Mallory was at the moment. Today was the date when she could officially get out, just in time for Press Corporation Charity Gala, that just has been announced as the 'event of the year' in the small city of Orange. Ever since I made my speech and publicly announced my relationship with Abby, a lot of people have written to me very positive words, and it seemed that I managed to turn things around.

Only one thing remained unsolved: my relationship with Mallory, that is quite shattered after the reveal that she worked for the Patriarch. But as of for now, she just explained the whole story to me - how Becky approached her, how she had no choice than do as she was told to protect Abby and myself, how she never saw me this happy and didn't want me to lose the one woman that I'd ever be able to love, how she turned on Becky because she wanted to protect Shelina's baby... I mean, tears were falling down both our faces, and Mallory seemed to want  my forgiveness more than anything. 

After a few seconds of silence, I just lean in and hug her tightly. We remained in that position for a while, before I whisper into her ear:

"I love you, baby girl"

"I love you, too" Mallory answers, emotional.

Just like that, I understood her and her actions a tad better, and everything seemed to make sense. On top of that, I've had a conversation with Shelina at the announcement party the other day, and she seemed to be at peace with what my sister did, even urging me to go and talk to her in order to understand her better.

And she was right: I now was at peace. 

When I let go of my sister, she wipes her tears away. There is only one unanswered question that was running through my thoughts, and I decided that now was the moment where I should ask her, or shut up forever, so I just simply ask:

"What about your legs? Was it all a lie?"

Mallory nods.

"No, I really couldn't walk until recently - I mean, months ago, I just didn't tell you because I was told not to." she honestly says, and I could do nothing but believe her. After a few seconds, she adds: "I faked being in a chair for three months, so that you wouldn't suspect anything. I am so, so sorry, Chris. I hope you'll be able to forgive me with time."

I smirk.

"I already did, kid: you're my only family, now, and we gotta stick together."

She cracks a smile.

"Hell yes" she joyfully lets out, laughing softly. After a moment, she hesitantly says: "You know, I wanted to ask you... uh, if, by any means, you've come across from Rose lately ?"

"Rose?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. Trying to figure out why she'd ask me that, I suddenly remember something: "Rose Lavelle, you mean ? (she nods) Oh, she came by while you were asleep about five days ago, and she seemed quite upset."

"She did?" 

"Yes, ask Shelina !" I say, amused, "Rose came in asking a lot of questions, and we were here with Shel and Abby, and she really seemed concerned, but also quite annoyed. Did something happen?"

I can sense Mallory's tension, as she starts blushing even more. Could it be...? I think to myself, waiting for her to confirm what I already know deep down.

But all she says is:

"N-no, not necessarily." 

Obviously, she is lying, which makes me smirk.

"You should definitely talk to her, though" I announce, trying to hide my amusement, but miserably failing. As she looks down, I add: "Whatever happened between you guys, it can be fixed: it seems to me that you care a lot about each other."

"I'm just... scared, I think" my younger sister admits, setting her jaw. 

"It's utterly normal, kid, really" I try to reassure her, holding her hand tightly. 

"How did you know? With Abby, I mean?"

I smile.

"When you know, you know." I only indicate, which makes her crack a smile. Obviously, she needed reassurance, so I gave it to her: "But it's normal to be scared when you connect with someone and feel like you cannot function correctly without this person in your life. You should talk to Sam about it."


"Well, it's top secret, so don't say anything, but Abby thinks she is in love with Shelina, but internalised homophobia so deeply that she cannot admit it to herself."

"That's sad" Mallory remarks.

I nod.

"Yes, and nobody should feel this way about something that could be so good" I say, thoughtful. I catch Abby's eyes watching me from outside the room, and smile even more: "Sam is going to hurt herself and is going to suffer by avoiding her feelings. You shouldn't do that: if you love her, you should tell her."

She blushes again. 

"Thank you, Christen".

I kiss her forehead softly, as Abby enters the room. 

"Here's my favourite little Devil" the blonde exclaims, winking at Mallory.

"Hey Blondie!" my sister exclaims, as my newly girlfriend gives her a quick hug, before staring at me with hesitation. 

Smiling softly, she whispers: 

"Hi, you."

"Oh my Lord, just kiss already! Everybody know you're together so at least make the best out of it." Mallory sarcastically lets out.

After laughing, I lean in and kiss Abby quickly, before winking at her and saying:

"Alright, girlies, we should really go and get ready for tonight: I want you two to look amazing at my first gala!"

"Count on us" Abby says, before turning toward Mal and saying: "I mean, look at this natural beauty: one cute dress and some makeup and she'll be ready to seduce every available young person present tonight without lifting a finger."

"Or, at least, she'll seduce someone that really counts, because they  are coming tonight - just so you know, sister."

Mallory's eyes go wide.

"Wait, what? How come you haven't told me sooner?"

"I would've ruined the surprise, wouldn't I have ?" I say while laughing, as my sister throws me a dark look.

Either way, after getting dressed and ready, the three of us are on our way to the first ever Press Corporation Charity Gala, and neither of us were expecting the turn of event that occurred...

Or maybe we expected it somehow...

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