First Day Back

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It is the first day back to school, I am a Junior in high school, I came out to my family as Transgender ftm during summer, I rolled out of bed and looked around my bedroom, I stood up, turned on my light and stood for a minute and remembered I have to take the bus today "god damn it" I said quietly to myself. Eventually I put on my chest binder and boxers and went hunting for a pair of jeans and a shirt, I had decided on a black jeans that were ripped at the knees, a white T-shirt, sneakers and my beanie and put my hair up in it. I went down stairs and got 2 pieces of toast then grabbed my backpack and walked out to the bus, I stood waiting, on my phone playing Parking Jam, I was basically addicted to that game, 5 minutes later the bus came, I slipped in my earbuds and got on, waving to the bus driver and smiling as a nice gesture, I sat down a couple rows from everyone listening to music and almost falling asleep.
I was about halfway asleep when I heard someone say my dead name, I knew exactly who it was, the people who used to bully me all through out middle school, they haven't talked to me since 8th grade so I was confused, I just ignored them, then someone took off my beanie, I took out my earbuds and looked back with a angry expression "give it back to me please" I said as calmly as I could. He threw it across the bus and the bus driver looked up, at the next stop I got up to receive it from one of the 7th graders that was holding onto it so it didn't get stepped on, I thanked him, and went back to my seat where I put it back on and shoved my hair back into it "Why do you put your hair in your hat? " He asked "You wouldn't get it if I explained it" I said putting in one of my ear buds "Well just tell me or I am gonna take it again" He replied smugly, I turned around quite pissed off at this point "I do it because I don't want to come off as a girl because I am fucking trans, ok?! " I said angrily I had been trying to keep my voice down so I didn't basically come out to the whole bus but apparently the whole back of the bus and some of the other kids heard me, I looked around and quickly sat back down and put my other earbud in and went back to staring out the window, he didn't talk to me or bother me for the rest of the bus ride.

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