At School

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The bus stopped in front of the high school and I grabbed my backpack, I stood up and walked off the bus, I saw the bully walk to his group of friends, he started pointing at me and talking so I decided he was probably talking about what happened on the bus, I walked into school then heard someone trying to talk to me, I took out my earbud and looked over "hey are you listening? " They asked "oh, yea, sorry I had my earbud in" I replied "Oh, alright, well I saw then pointing at you and I heard what happened on the bus, I'm proud of you, I'm trans too" He said happily, I couldn't help but smirk a little "thanks, that means a lot man" I said smiling "Yea, no problem, would you wanna hang out sometime, you seem cool and I mean we can hang out during lunch and maybe after school?" He asked, I could tell he was very persistent on hanging out with me and he didn't seem that bad "yea, I'd like to hang out" I replied to him "sweet, I'll see you at lunch then" He said while starting to slow jog off to his class "yea, see you then" I said while waving bye.
I sat through classes while the teachers explained what we would be doing for the year and then telling us about where the lockdowns would be and where we go during fire drills, then lunch hit, everyone was running down halls, I had my earbuds in and was walking down the hallway with my drawing book and pencil case and my lunch box, I was walking down then I felt someone run into me really hard, I dropped all of my stuff and almost fell on my face but scraped up my knees instead, I turned to sit on my butt instead of sitting on my knees, I saw the bullies running away and laughing, I fixed my hair and wiped the dirt from the halls off my knees "this floor is so dirty..." I thought to myself, I sat there for a while and started picking up my stuff, the boy who I talked to earlier came down the hallway looking for me "Hey! What are you doing?" He asked crouching down next to me "Ah ya know just sitting around" I replied, I got up and picked up my stuff "I don't think I ever asked your name by the way" He said "oh, yea, I go by Sebastian" I said smiling "That's a cool name! I go by Jasper" He replied happily, we walked down the hallway and out of the school to hang out in the front on the school for lunch. I ate my sandwhich my mom had made me the night before and the banana I had packed this morning, I noticed that he wasn't eating "hey, do you have food?" I asked him "No, but I'm fine" He replied, I handed him two rice crispy treats and a juice pouch "you gotta eat" I told him, he took then and started eating, I smiled and looked at my sneakers "Hey you ok, your face is a little red" He asked "Oh, yea I'm fine it's just hot out here" I replied feeling my face redden more "it is like 57 degrees out here" He said laughing, I looked at him then back at my shoes realizing it was pretty cold and it was a pretty dumb excuse, he started laughing a little "what are you laughing at?" I asked him smiling "you have peanut butter on your face" He said now laughing a little more, I wiped my face finding no peanut butter "where?" I asked confused "Here let me get it" He said, he grabbed a napkin from my lunchbox and wiped the one part I didn't wipe I could feel my face glowing red at this point, I didn't even know why I was blushing, it was so stupid "there you go he said balling up the napkin, we went inside and threw away our trash "Hey wanna exchange our Snapchats?" He asked pulling out his phone "yea sure" I replied pulling mine out too, we gave each other our Snaps and went to our lockers then the class

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