That Night

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(This is a very short chapter)
I got inside, took off my sneakers and went upstairs, I put my bag down on my chair and laid in my bed and grabbed my phone
S: Hey, I'm in my room
J: Alright, I am just down the road a bit lol
S: Oh, nice, btw, I think it's wet outside just a heads up
J: Fuck you. just. fuck you
S: I mean damn if you want 😂
J: I meann 👀
S: oh my jesus christ
J: what you said it not me
S: true, well I gotta get ready for bed
J: ok have a good night and sleep well
S: you too Jasper
I looked at the charge to my phone, it was at 7%, I plugged it in and stood up, I went to my dresser and pulled out PJ pants and a sports bra and a baggy T-shirt, I then went to the bathroom and started my shower then started undressing, I put all my laundry in the hamper and my chest binder on my coat rack in my room so I didn't lose it, I took my shower then got my pajamas on. I got back to my room and set my alarm for 6 am the next morning and shut off my lights and soon after fell asleep.

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