The Next Morning

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I woke up to my alarm beeping next to me, I was groggy, and tired but I forced myself to get up anyway, I looked at my phone, I had to be out of the house in 45 minutes so I had a bit of time on my phone so I looked at Snapchat
J: Hey ik it is 1 am but are we like a thing now?
*holy crap this boy was awake at 1 am thinking about this*
S: I mean I kissed you right?
J: Yea, I was just making sure before I go bragging about my hot ass boyfriend
S: oh my god noooo
J: oh my god yessss, I have bragging rights now
S: ugh fine ig, wanna ft while I get ready?
J: Yea, when do you leave btw?
S: 6:45 and I get to school at 7
J: ok, I leave at 6:55 and get there at 7 lol, after we hang up we can meet each other and walk together
S: ok, yea, I'll call you rn
*call begins texts stop*
"Hey" I said bringing my phone to the bathroom with me "Hey" He replied, I set my phone propped up at the back of the sink and brushes my teeth while he was combing his hair, I finished brushing my teeth and took my hair down from a bun "holy shit, your hair is so long.." He said watching me brush it "yea, don't remind me" I said chuckling "oh yea, sorry" He said also chuckling a little, I grabbed my binder and a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and stopped "hey would it be ok if I wore your hoodie to school" I asked shyly "I would like if you did" He said with a big smile on his face "alright, I will" I said, I turned off my camera on face time and got undressed and re-dressed then turned it back on, I put the camera down at feet level pointing up so he could see my outfit "you look awesome" He said, I got my beanie and tucked my hair up into it, then grabbed my sneakers and slipped them on, I then grabbed my bag and looked at the time "hey I'm leaving in 5 ok?" I told him "alright, I'm leaving in sometime" He said running downstairs, I grabbed a rice crispy treat and ate it while waiting "ok, it's 6:45 I got to go, I'll see you down the road" I said "ok see you then" He replied.
I found him waiting a bit down the road and I jogged a bit to get there a couple seconds sooner. "Hey" I said running into a hug "Hey" He replied hugging me back and planting a kiss on my forehead, I felt my face go red and I looked down while grabbing his hand, we walked to school together just being happy and talking about more random stuff.
We finally got to the school and we went inside, we hugged goodbye to go to class.

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