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(Longer chapter and sexual scene later, the characters are both 17 and can legally consent)

It it Friday, I just finished my last class, I went to my locker and grabbed my bag, and slung it over my shoulder then grabbed my other bag that had over night clothes and locked up my locker then started down the hallway towards the front door, Jasper walked out of his class a bit after me and to his locker, I walked up next to his locker and leaned back against the other lockers waiting for him, he closed his locker and jumped a little, even though I could have sworn he had seen me but I guess not "holy shit you scared me" He said chuckling "Oh sorry, I thought you saw me" I said chuckling back "No, I'm like deaf, but are you ready to go?" He asked "Yea, I'm ready" I replied. We walked out of the building and started to his house.
We got there after a little bit of walking and went inside, he grabbed a couple brownies that his mom had made and two juice pouches and we headed upstairs to his bedroom. We took off our shoes and then put down our bags and layed down together, I fell asleep after a little bit, school had tired me out so much and walking tired me out even more. After a bit he woke me up, it had been two hours "hey sleepy, get up, we have popcorn and we can watch a movie" He said, he talked in such a soothing sweet tone of voice and I smiled and pulled him onto the bed and cuddled up to him "hey c'mon" He said laughing a little, he picked me up and set me up right, I wiped the sleep from my eyes and yawned, he sat next to me and pulled me closer, then he put his hand on the side of my face and gently kissed me, I kissed him back and smiled putting my head into his neck, I felt him shudder a little bit and breath heavier, I smirked and put my hand on the other side of his neck and kissed his neck then gently bit his neck, he shifted slightly and put his head back a little bit, I smirked and bit a little harder, his hand made his way into my thigh and he started squeezing my thigh, I stopped suddenly, grabbed his hand, put it over my shoulder and cuddled him, I started giggling a little because of it, I felt him giving me a stare, I looked at him and his mouth was open slightly and he was staring at me, I smiled and put my head back on his thigh.
He picked me up and sat me on his lap "excuse you sir" He said jokingly irritated "yes? Is there a problem?" I asked smiling "yes, there is, I liked that and you stopped" He said with a pouty face, I moved a little and put my hand on his thigh "well I can continue if you'd like" I said with a smirk, slowly moving my hand up, he started shifting a little, smiling "yes please" He said with puppy dog eyes "well since you ask politely" I said, I moved my hand rubbing his thigh while I kissed and sucked on his neck "Would it be ok if we...had sex..." He asked quietly "yea, do you have a strap or no?" I asked smiling, my hand still caressing his thigh "I do in fact have one, would you like to use it?" He replied "yes sir I would" I said smiling, he pointed to one of his drawers and I got up and took it out, it looked to be about 8 inches I wasn't positive though, I brought it over the the bed and took off my pants then put it on, Jasper started taking off his jeans and had already taken off his shirt. I picked up his legs and put in the strap and started thrusting, he started moaning softly grabbing his pillows, I thruster harder, kissing his neck and sometimes applying pressure to it with my hand, after I thrusted hard he let out a loud moan, I got scared his mom heard so I slowed to a halt for a minute "your fine, my mom doesn't mind" he said still shaking "Alright" I replied starting to thrust into him once more, we finished and I took off the strap-on and cleaned it, then put it back into its drawer. I layed down next to him and we kissed for a bit then we fell asleep together, I was so happy and I thought after that moment I might love this boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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