His House

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We got to his house and his mom let us in "Well who is this?" His mom asked happily "This is my friend Sebastian" Jasper said with the same tone of voice "well hello there Sebastian" She greeted me politely "Hello ma'am it is nice to meet you" I said with the same polite voice smiling "Jasper I like this friend they seem very nice" She said "ok, well we are going to be up hanging out in my room, they are leaving around 7 to be home at 7:30, alright mom?" He said "alright hun, have fun" She replied, we went upstairs and into his room, it was so much nicer then mine, a bit smaller but a lot nicer "dude your room is awesome" I said in amazement "thanks, I've been working on it for a while" He said back. I sat down on his bed and he turned on his TV and Xbox "wanna watch a movie?" He asked picking up the controller "yea, you can pick the movie though" I replied, he put on a movie and lied down, I lied down next to him with a bit of space between us, part way through the movie he fake yawned and put his arm over my shoulder and slid a bit closer to me, I started laughing a little bit allowed it and blushed a little because of it, he laughed with me and let his head rest on the top of mine I fell asleep and around 6:30 he woke me up I looked around and wiped my eyes "hey you drifted off" He said "oh, shit yea, I have like half an hour" I replied yawning "yea.." He said a bit sadly "what's wrong?" I asked him "I don't know I just like hanging out with you, your really fun to be around" He said smiling a little now "I'll be back here tomorrow dude, calm down" I said chuckling at him, he got really excited and hugged me almost picking me up, I hugged him back, he eventually did pick me up and started shaking me a little then put me down gently and stared down into my eyes, I stared back, it felt like forever until his started leaning down to kiss me, our lips met and I kissed back, putting my arms around his neck, and him putting his hands on my waist. After that we watched TV and kissed every so often and cuddled up to each other, we sometimes would make stupid jokes that would make each other push the other away jokingly then pull them back in, then 7 pm hit "oh, it's 7 I have to get going" I said sadly "can I walk you home? It is raining" He replied, I looked out the window, sure enough it was raining, and it was raining hard "yea, you can" I said smiling, we went downstairs and slipped on our shoes, I grabbed my backpack and we said bye to his mom, he grabbed an umbrella and we headed out, part way there I started shivering really bad, he stopped "do you want my sweatshirt, I have like 80 of them, I wouldn't mind" He offered "that would be nice but won't you be cold?" I asked "naw, I have 2 long sleeve shirts under this, I plan ahead" He laughed, taking off the hoodie he had on, then handing it to me, I slipped it on, it was so warm. We finished walking to my house and he hugged me, then kissed me, we said bye and I walked inside.

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