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They all arrived at the Inn and were greeted too see fellow demon slayer groups.

"New people! Welcome Welcome!" Said an inmate as they took us into our room, it was a small yet comfortable room that was lit up ever so slightly...With 3 futon mats that laid on the ground.

"Get comfortable! Your robes are in that small corridor and the springs are the next two doors down!" The inn mate said leaving the room.

Muichiro set Yuichiro down letting him out..

"AugHH itS SO crAMPED in tHERE-" Yuichiro groaned as the others giggled.

"Well, Im going to bathe" Shinobu said waving to the others and leaving...Giyuu and Muichiro looked at each other then Yuichiro.

"Is alright if we go bathe quickly?" Muichiro asked the older brother of his.

"Yea, yea just don't die from slipping-" Yuichiro scoffed. Muichiro smiled as the two got up and left.

- - -

Muichiro yawned flopping onto his brothers lap as the others were chatting.

"Hey!!" Giyuu yelled falling over.

"Oh my? Did I push you too hard~" Shinobu giggled. Muichiro began to giggle as the two began to chase each other around and around...

' Ding DOng' 
"Oh?" Shinobu questioned opening the sliding door.

"Here you go!" said an inn-mate handing her a cart filled with food, shinobu took out the four trays of three trays of food and set it down..

"Man, keeping Yuichiro is hard" Muichiro groaned sitting up from his brothers lap..

"It's quite dangerous too.." Giyuu added munching down.

"Are you hungry Yuichiro?" Shinobu asked.

"Sorta-" Yuichiro groaned..

"Here have some of my food!" Shinobu insisted anding him a small side bowl of rise and miso, along with some fish.

"Oh! Mine too!" Muichiro said handing him some of his curry.

"Oh, sure here" Giyuu added some pork he had left.

"Thank you guys!" Yuichiro said chowing down politely.

"I never knew demons eat normal food?" Giyuu asked.

"Same here" Muichiro added. 

"Eh, maybe thats why I don't eat humans." Yuichiro said finishing his food.

Shinobu picked up everyones plates and set it nicely on the tray and rolled the cart out...

"Im so tirEDDDD" Muichiro yawned out flopping on his futon.

"Yea, we should all get some rest..." Shinobu added tucking herself in..

Giyuu nodded and they all fell asleep..soundly

. : . Our Untitled Fate. : . (Demon Slayer Swap AU) (Wont update for a little)Where stories live. Discover now