Skatign stream

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The chat was begging for a skating stream

"Hm since your the second favorite of me the alpha I guess I can do an skating stream but I need to prepare"

Now the chat was asking who my favourite was

"My liege please put it as a sub goal to reveal my nr 1 favourite" he put it as a subgoal 125k/130k - reveal the alphas fav

Suddenly the subs flodded in and soon they reached the goal

"Hmm I think I should rather reveal it in the skating stream plus's I will do an hair reveal~"

- oh and I think I will tell you about the incident but it's a long story so I'll do it rather in personal than in chat-

We mess a little around in the stream before chongyun decides to end the stream

I sigh "phew being funny is tiring , I might take a nap"

"Can I come please :[" I just know he is doing that Pouting face rn

"I- uh- fine if you want to-" I tried not to sound too excited
"OKAY GIVE ME 10 MINUTES BY-" then he left the call

While he was probably hurrying , I tied my hair in a low ponytail and put on some oversized clothes , usually I would use an short sleeve shirt but since chongyun will be coming I guess I need to wear a long sleeve shirt

Oh yea oops my maids had a freee day today so I need to open the door

And just then I heard a knock , just as I opened it chongyun basically jumped into my arms

We went into my bedroom and he then asked "can you tell me about the incident or do you want me to sleep first ?"

He basically immediately shot out after "incident"

Well I guess he was really excited to hear it

How do I start ... so back then I used to skate in a place where dangerous races used to be , well I was the best under them all and direct under me was my girlfriend ...
After a while she got to race me ... of course I had mercy with her while she didn't
She tried to attack me several time but I just dodged them with my elegant style I had

Well my luck left me after the 8th hit and she hit me in the face with her skateboard
I flew right off the skateboard into a few rocks and breaking a few bones and she just skated away

Well xianling picked me up and drove me to the hospital turned out after I was in an 1 year coma and after I never wanted to skate again"

I pulled my shirt up revealing a lot huge scars from the incident , oh shit I forgot i used to cut me there

Pls DONT notice pls don't notice  and he just ignored it "well what happened to my girlfriend ...nothing she lived a happy life while I was back then in a very depressive state but I ended up still skating mostly practicing to get better to one day beat her but have up..."

"Oh and not to forget I used to live with xianling since my parents didn't really have a fuck about me so another goal was living on my own"

I tried to sound as happy as possible "after sometime I kinda got over it over the years even tho it was only around 2/3 years ago"

"And another reason I stopped skating is because a lot of other stuff with friends dying or leaving me n shit but that doesn't really matter" i fake yawned hoping chongyun would say something like , let's go to sleep or some

Well I left out some details like the other 7 ex's who where the same as the first one and what my back then skater girlfriend said to me...


I elegantly dodged another attack from my girlfriend
"Just fall of the Board you useless wreck" my eyes widened "w-what" my board got slower

"Ur ugly anyways I'm breaking up with u" she said smacking her Baird into my face

*end of flashback*

"Hellooo xingqiu are you there ? Are you ok?"

I snapped back to reality "o-oh eh yea sorry"

The unknown ~ chongyun x xingqiu Where stories live. Discover now