Forgive and forget ?

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~*chongyuns pov*~

It honestly broke me seeing xingqiu like this , he really doesn't deserve anything

I heard a knock amd then the door open

Eula was standing there

I gave her a glare "I uhm wanna apologize"

"I was always kinda not thinking about what I was saying and how it would affect people"  she tried to apologize

"Well then better start thinki-" I got cut off by xingqiu "oh no no it's okay it's okay I just overreacted " he stuttered and sniffed through the sentence and it was a complete lie

"Oh phew thank god I dear I will never make a joke like that again" she seemed a bit happier now

"Well I'll go and try to make up with amber now too see you later" she finally left and xingqius head fell
back into my chest

"Did you really forgive her ?" I asked

"No it isn't the first time that she made jokes like this  but I wanna help amber out"

It honestly hurt xingqiu was like so excited to get them together and now he is crying into my chest

After a while the sobbing stopped signaling that he has probably fallen asleep again

I laid xingqiu in his bed and went to his music thingy room

I looked around a little and finally finding what I was searching for ... a violin I played it since I was 5

I only remember one song without any notes

I think it was named fairytale

It gladly was tuned

I played a bit and slowly got into it more and more

After a bit I was so focused on playing I didn't even notice that someone entered

After the song I turned around seeing amber watching me

I felt a blush form in my cheeks "oh Ehe since when are you here" I nervously laughed

"Oh kinda mid trough I came in but I didn't wanted to disturb your play it was quite impressive if I'm honest" she said praising me

Oh god is this embarrassing please get me out here

Then suddenly eula entered too " what are you guys talking about" she asked

"Oh nothing impo-" amber why did you cut me off

"Oh I was just telling him how good he is at playing violin" why amber I thought we were friends smh

"Oh really can I hear ?" I only hate you more now

I nervously laughed "ehm I actually wanted to just play one song and I can't really play in front of people so ehe yeaaaaaaaaaaaa" I bet my body was just screaming embarrassment and pls get me out of here vibe

"Oh ok then maybe another time" eula said

YES YES Pls leave now

And gladly they left looking gay

Ok but what do I do now ? Maybe go back into xingqius room and scroll a bit through Twitter so that's what I did

After like an hour I felt my eyes get heavy but I didn't really wanted to sleep so I just switched up to tiktok and then again to Twitter then again to tiktok
until my vision went black (he fell asleep leaning against xingqius bed bed he didn't knew if cuddling would have been AKWARD)

~time skip to morning~

I woke up to my neck and back hurting pretty bad , no wonder when I sleep leaning against a fucking bed frame

I got up and went into the kitchen since I was a little hungry , not something that would usually happen usually I wouldn't be really hungry so I just took an apple

The unknown ~ chongyun x xingqiu Where stories live. Discover now