Chapter 3: Forgiving

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Marinette's POV:

While waiting in the hospital I was mad. Mad and Adrien for letting his anger get to him. Mad at Luka for being such an idiot and mad at myself for letting it all happen. I could already see what's ahead of me at school. Chloe and Kagami would make my life a living hell. They would get mad if I was with Adrien and Kagami would think he's cheating. What the hell did I get myself into? 

When the nurse told me that Luka had finally woken up me and Adrien got up. I told Adrien to let me go alone. He had already done enough. I didn't want to give him an attitude, but I was angry with him. 

When I got to Luka's room he was shaking. I walked in and then he started to cry. He started asking for forgiveness. He said that he didn't mean any of it, he just loved Marinette so much and was angry she liked Adrien. Luckily this fight brought him back to his senses. I gave him a hug and said "It's okay I forgive you, but if you ever do anything to me like that again I am done with you". He nodded and I said my goodbye. 

I walked back to the car and I saw Adrien crying. It looked like he was crying for hours. The guilt hit me right away. I realized that he could be crying because of my madness towards him. I opened the car door and sat down with him.

Adrien's POV:

Marinette walked in on me crying. I didn't want her to see me like this, but I couldn't help it. I don't think she has ever seen me cry. I am usually seen as a tough guy because I don't really show my emotions to others. 

She sat down and I hugged her. I could smell her vanilla perfume. I could tell she was confused, but hugged me back. We stayed in this position for two minutes until she let go. She asked me what's wrong and that's when I told her. " I'M SORRY MARI. I swear I didn't mean to hurt you or him. How do you expect me not to get mad when he's hurting someone I care so much about. You're my everything Marinette. You're the only one who's there for me. I don't have a father, mother, sibling NO ONE. I only have YOU." I stopped crying and that's when she looked at me in an awe type of way. She started tearing up and said " I.. I never knew you felt like this. I'm sorry I overreacted, but you know this story will be all over school.". 

After we talked for a bit we both became relaxed and made our way to Marinette's house. When we got to her house I told her I wanted to stay with her. She agreed and she changed into her pj's on while I was still in my school clothes. Then she started to blush very hard. I didn't understand why. I asked her what's wrong and she said "We have to share a bed". 

Marinette's POV:

Adrien wanted to stay so I let him. After changing I realized we had to share a bed. How am I supposed to share a bed with my old crush?! After I told him we have to share a bed he said "If you're not comfortable with me sleeping next to you, I can just sleep on the couch". I felt bad and said "no no, it's okay you can be next to me". He gave me his signature smirk and my face felt red hot. He laughed jokingly and we got into bed. 

I tried going to sleep for 30 minutes, but I couldn't. I noticed Adrien was still awake and asked "You can't sleep too?". He told me he had a lot on his mind. I got closer and laid my head on his chest. He started playing with my hair and I fell asleep. Today had been a long day and I just wanted to sleep and clear my mind.

A/N - I am sorry for the short chapter, but I have finals test's I have to worry about. 

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