Chapter 4: Life In Hell

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Adrien's POV:

I woke up around 9:00am. I looked at the beautiful blue haired girl in front of me, her head on my chest. She looked so kissable it was unreal. Come on Adrien, are u falling for Marinette.. what... what if I am. 

Marinette had finally woken up around 9:10am. When she realized she was on my chest I could see her face turn a light pink. I couldn't help but chuckle, she looked so cute when she's embarrassed. She got dressed and I had to stay in my school clothes from yesterday. She made us egg and bacon, my favorite! We took a car ride to my house so I could change and finally headed to school! 

After lunch I spotted Kagami marching towards me. Seemed like she was angry, but I didn't care. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH MARINETTE?" She asked angrily. Shit, she found out about the whole situation with me, Luka and Marinette. I was a bit annoyed with her so I said " Hanging out.. If you haven't forgotten, Marinette is my best friend". "Well, have you forgotten that I am YOUR girlfriend. Also don't think I don't know about that little sleepover with Marinette". She gave me an evil chuckle and walked away. What have I gotten myself and Mari into??

Marinette's POV:

After lunch I was a bit anxious. I hope Kagami didn't find out about the whole situation. I could see her walking towards me after the last period of class. Oh shit, my life is about to turn upside down. " Hey boyfriend stealer! How are you feeling today?" she said sarcastically. " Uh I am good! Also hanging out with my bestfriend isn't really cheating" Then she..she threatened me. " Listen here bitch, from now on you better not talk or see him again. If you do, I will make your life miserable. Maybe even kill you, you never know". I could feel the burning tears coming from my eye's. I didn't want anything to happen to me or him, so I guess I had to listen. I nodded and walked crying out of school. 

Of course I bumped into Adrien. " hey, hey what's wrong Marinette. Don't worry, I'm here" he said calmly. I couldn't help myself but scream " GET AWAY FROM ME" and ran off towards my house. I felt so guilty that I had to do this to him. He would be so heart broken because I didn't even give an explanation. 

After I got home all I did was cry, do homework, cry more and eat dinner. Before going to bed I checked my phone. 50 messages from Adrien. That's what made me cry harder. I didn't want to respond to him. I was mad at myself for letting Kagami threaten me. I was mad that Adrien couldn't control his psycho girlfriend. I was mad that Luka had told everyone. I just need to sleep. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I'm miserable.

Adrien's POV:

What did I do to her? Did I get her offended by sleeping next to her? I NEED TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS NOW! My thoughts were just circling through my head. All I could think about is her sad bluebell eyes. I saw the guilt in them when she screamed at me. Someone was forcing her to do that, I know it. But who? Could it be Luka, Chole or Nathenial? I was determined to find out. It was 10:00pm and I was still awake when I heard a knock on the door. 

It was Kagami. I wondered what she was doing here so late.. She walked in and plopped on my bed. I tightened up my body. I was only used to being this close to Marinette.. Not he- her. She scooted closer and that's when I sat up in anger and asked "What are you doing here Kagami?". She got up and sat beside me while saying "Well since you can have a sleepover with your best friend, it shouldn't be hard to do it with your girlfriend huh?. I hated knowing that we were together. Kagami was one of the most forcing and stubborn girl's I have ever met. That's when I said something that created one of the biggest fight's I've had. "Get.Out.Now". She looked at me shocked and said " OOOH, I see how it is. You can sleep with Marinette (not in the nasty way), but act so uncomfortable with me. Adrien what the hell is your problem? We have been dating for one year. I AM you girlfriend not HER!". I couldn't help myself any longer. I knew what I was about to say would ruin everything, but I didn't care anymore. " WELL MAYBE BECAUSE I LIKE MARINETTE MORE THAN YOU. Has it ever come to your mind that I WASN'T the one to choose to date you? My father forced me, you idiot! You never cared about me. You only wanted to date me for my looks. Marinette is the opposite. She loves me FOR ME". With that she ran out of my house and I just realized what I had said. Why..why did I do that? 

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