I know I'm not alone

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Danny's POV;

Ben had left, gone to who knows where, with that girl, the girl with the blue hair. Jeydon I think he had called her. I know I have no right to feel as jealous about this as I do. Ben was straight, she was gorgeous, I'm hopeless. 

It seemed that she had whispered something in his ear that upset him, a lot. I haven't the slightest what she said, but I'd kill her for hurting my Benny. 

"Danny? Daniel? Earth to the Worsnop!", James shouted, poking me. 

"What? Oh, James, I'm sorry. I was thinking...", I said, pushing my shorter, ginger hair out of my face. 

"Mate, it's chill. I was just wondering, should I put the logo on the pockey, the lapel, the front, ugh. Just tell me where it'd look best, Danny. You've always been better with fashion. It's your gay side.", James said, looking at the new shirt design on his napkin, frusterated.

He just called me out on my gay side! Did he know? Surely I was making it slightly obvious. No, he couldn't. Only Mitch knew that, only Mitch. Mitch took my secret to the grave, quite literally. Mitch...

"Oh, put it on the lapel and the pocket. They're both smaller areas so that you can afford to put it there twice.", I told him, glancing back to the corner where Ben and his female friend had disappeared around. 

"Thanks, Daniel.", James said. "I'm going to go catch a drink with Austin and Alan now, could you hold onto this for me?"

"Yeah, sure...", I mumbled, stuffing his napkin into my jacket pocket. 

"Why Jeydon? Why did I have to be this way? I should like girls... More specifically, I shouldn't like my bestfriend. Danny's straight and I'm an idiot.", I hear Ben saying to Jeydon as they came around the corner. Me? He likes me. No, I'm hearing what I want to hear. Either way, I decided to turn around so I could more conspicuously continue to listen in on their conversation. 

"Benjamin, it's nothing too bad. Have you seen he way Daniel looks at you?", She said. What the... She knew... How did she know?

"Yeah, he looks at me like I'm his bestfriend, his band mate. Don't try to put false hope into my head like you did with Neil.", He said, slightly growling, in the most attractive way possible. 

"You do realize Neil is now married, to a guy, he is the gayest guy ever. I did no such thing, with that hope. Neil had a huge crush on you. He thought you were small, innocent, and adorable. Of course, if he saw you now, he'd take that back. You're like a foot and a half taller than he is, now.", Jeydon said, laughing. Who was Neil? Had Ben been gay forever? How did I not notice, or more importantly, why didn't he tell me? So many questions were racing through my mind right now. I couldn't take it. There was no way that Ben would ever...

"He is? Oh... But Daniel has had plenty of girlfriends, he gets laid all the time, he's famous. He's no Adam Lambert, Jeydon.", Ben said, sadly and awkwardly laughing. Did he really think that any of those girls meant anything to me?

"Really? So James doesn't purposely struggle with his clothing line so that Danny will help him, because Danny knows clothes better, like a gay guy would, as stereotypical as that is? Don't answer, it's the truth. Why don't you just tell him, Ben?"

"Jeydon stop! I'm not going to tell him! What would I say? 'Hey Danny, I'd just like to let you know that since before Primary school, I've been gay, yeah I like boys, and I have this huge gay crush on you, and I would like nothing more than for all these Brusnop comments our band mates made before the show to be absolutely true because I might love you'? Yeah, that would go over well. Could you even imagine the look of disgust that would cross his ginger beard? Because I can, and I don't want it to be anything more than an imagined look. What would he do? What would he say? Would he kick me out of the band? How could the band even continue when all Danny could think about it how creepily I want him, like want him, and need him, like need him in my bed and in my arms. He'd hate me, Jeydon. I'm not saying anything.", Ben said. "End of story." I could see one stray tear that had fallen over his cheek. 

I got up then, trying to leave silently. As much as I loved that Ben loved me, I needed to get out so that he didn't know I knew. How could he even think I'd hate him, when I love him? Just before I rounded the corner to the other side of the bar, I glanced back at Ben and Jeydon. 

Ben had his head rested on Jeydon's shoulder, hugging her, facing the opposite direction of me. He hadn't seen me... But, Jeydon had. She was staring right at me. She could see right through me. She did know, somehow, that I felt the same way about my bestfriend. She smiled at me, knowingly, and then she did the most unexpected thing of all.

She winked at me.

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