Cause I know there's someone somewhere

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James' POV;

"Austin?" I asked my best mate, who was sitting to my left as we watched Danny 'sneakily' spy on Ben and the new girl.

"Yes James?" He asked.

"Earlier, when we brought up Brusnop, neither of the boys seemed like they didn't love the idea..." I said, curiously, to see if he could answer a question I was now debating in my head. 

"No, but they're Ben and Danny, they act gay for each other all the time. Why do you ask, mate?"

"Austin, I think they might legitimately have feelings for each other... I mean. Danny hasn't stopped glaring at the girl who stole Ben away. It's pretty obvious he's spying on them. Ben, however, seems really worried..."

"Worried how, James?" Austin pressed, as Alan returned to the seat with a few shots. "Really, Alan, shots? We're not doing shots!"

"They're for Ben; the look on his face says he's going to need some shots." Alan muttered, turning to me and motioning for me to continue on with the story. 

"Worried in a 'hey Ben I'm pregnant and you're the baby daddy suprise' kind of way. Do you think it could be that? Because Danny would be crushed, Ben would go crazy, and over all Ben being a dad would not end very well!" I whisper-shouted, glancing back at the Ben/Danny/new girl scene a few tables over. 

"She's a lesbian, so no, I don't think she's pregnant with Ben's child. That would be sort of odd." Alan whispered, looking back to the girl with Ben. 

"How- how- h- how do you know that, Alan?" Austin asked, as he was starting to laugh. 

"Because, she's been checking out girls all night, and she has the same look in her eyes that Ben, Danny, and Jayy always do..."

"Alan! That's it! See, I'm right, Austin! Alan just said so. If the new girl has the same look as Danny and Ben, and they all share that with Jayy, well, Jayy is gay!" I said, almost too loudly, resting my chin in my palm, propped up on the table. "Danny and Ben are gay for each other, and we're just now noticing. How are we just now noticing?"


YAY, new POV! c: Yay or nay? I kind of liked writing as James, instead of the more usual Ben and Danny. Should I write as Austin and Alan too? Originally I had Phil's name in place of Jayy, who is meant to be Jayy Von Monroe by the way, but I didn't think I wanted Om&m to think Phil was gay. The rest of Om&m will come in later, as well as the rest of Asking Alexandria. I'd also like to get Andy Biersack, Matt Good, Vic Fuentes, Kellin Quinn, and Jaime Preciado to make cameos, throughout the story. Maybe even a little Bryan Stars at one point? ;D -Benny<3

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