Even though im on my own

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Ben Bruce's POV  

Do you know the best possible place to go after an amazing show with Of Mice & Men? A bar. So that's exactly where Austin Carlile, Alan Ashby, James Cassels, Danny Worsnop, and myself went, sort of just leaving the rest of our bands on the om&m bus.  

"Benjamin!" A girl yelled, so I turned around, on instinct, hearing her call my name.  


"It's me! It's me! Don't you remember me? From highschool. You were the only friend I had..." The beautiful blue haired girl said, looking to the ground. It was after she'd let a full sentence slip out in her voice, I recognized that thick South Wales accent. For the first time in years, I was seeing my highschool best mate an biggest crush, Jeydon. Well, maybe I had slightly more of a crush on her older brother, but nobody was allowed to know that.  

"Jeydon!" I yelled, tackling the familiar girl to the ground, before picking her back up and spinning her around. I could've sworn Danny looked slightly jealous, but maybe I was just seeing what I wanted to see.  

Alan and Austin ordered us all a round of drinks, moments afterwards, and we say down in a booth far from any windows. Austin and Alan carried a good conversation with Danny and James sat in between, obliviously designing another shirt for his clothing line, on a paper menu in front of him.  

"So, Benny, how did that crush go? I never heard any information on it after you graduated," Jeydon said, trying to hint at the crush I'd had on her brother.  

"I got over those stupid feelings. They were sort of unnatural." 

"Oh Ben. I thought you were going to have accepted them by now. Ill prove them to you by the end of the night," Jeydon sighed. "Anyways, there's something similarly related that I wanted to talk to you about..." I nodded, telling her to go on. "My girlfriend and I are moving back here." 

"That's great!" I shouted happily.  

She twitched her head to the side.  

"Jeydon, I've known you liked girls since the eight grade. You did kiss my ex girlfriend," I said, putting a hand on her shoulder and offering her my smile.  

"I've known you liked boys since seventh," she whispered so even I could barely hear, and winked.  

"Can I talk to you, alone, for a second?!" I yelled, standing up and pulling her with me, without an answer. "We'll be right back, guys." Once again, Danny looked a little jealous and upset. My gay mind was playing tricks on me. Danny's straight.  

Danny's straight. And with that, I pulled Jeydon outside the high class bar, and into a surrounding alleyway.  

"What was that about?!" She yelled.  

"Nobody knows that I like boys! Not saying I like boys... Dang it Jeydon! Stop that! I don't like boys. Your brother looked like a girl. He looked like a girl..." I whispered, sitting down against the back of the wall.  

"No he didn't Ben." Jeydon whispered to me, resting her hand on my shoulder.  

"I've been gay all along haven't I?" I asked, putting his head in his hands.  


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