Praying that I make it home

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Jayy's POV

        Wow, it'd been a long night. Dahvie and I played a great show down the street from the Asking Alexandria - Of Mice & Men concert. It was the after math that had thrown everything out of wack. Gary, the guy in Blood on the Dance Floor before me, came back about the band, and I thought Dahvie would tell him no. We were bros right? But he said he'd love Gary to be back in the band? Like, that's not even right. What about me? I guess I might've freaked or over reacted but that's pretty much how I ended up walking into this high class bar to meet with my ex-boyfriend Jeffree and an old friend, Austin.

        Yo man, it's taken you long enough to get here!, Austin said, standing from his chair beside Alan Ashby, and giving me a one-armed hug, because he was holding two shots in his other hand.

        Shots man?, I asked in reference to the drinks in his left hand. Austin never did shots, did he?

        They're for Ben. He looks like he's having a rough conversation with his old pal, Jeydon, over there., Austin said, shrugging. Alan's idea!, he said, pointing at Alan, who just stuck his tongue out. 

        Sometimes I think Alan's totally gay, but I've kind of come to realize that he just acts like it sometimes.

        Any of you seen Jeffree?, I asked Austin, Alan, and James Cassels. 

        Nah man. Maybe he was a no-show? I dunno, but join us, we're having a nice discussion where we're trying to figure out whether Ben and Danny are gay for each other or not., James said, a bit to excited.

        Oh, you want a gay guy's perspective!, I said, laughing. This was easy. I'd figured the bestfriends of Asking Alexandria out a long time ago after many nights in a pub in my hometown. 

        Yeah, exactly!, Alan said.

        Well, if you ask me, I've known those boys for a while. After spending quite of few nights alone with them in a bar, I can tell you anything you want to know. This matter specifically, was one of the first things I'd set to finding out, and those boys were a bit to tipsy to completely remember. Here's the deal, Danny is totally straight. But he a secret that he will never have enough balls to tell you, and I've seen those so I can vouch that it must be a pretty huge secret, if you know what I mean. Ben, he's gay. He tries to hide it because I don't think he really had come to terms with it. But he may have accidentally told me about a crush he had on some guy called Neil back in school. So that's case closed, or rather case closeted? Hahahaha, yeah though, Ben is gay, and I'm pretty certain he really likes Danny. Just like I'm pretty certain that the big secret Danny is hiding has something to do with a big gay crush on his best mate, Ben., I finished, smiling at the shocked boys. They couldn't have been that shocked, could they? I'd suspected it long before I actually set to find out.

        Dude, I was right!, James said, smiling.

        So that still doesn't tell us what's up with Ben right now. He still seems pretty upset over there with that Jeydon girl., Austin said, nodding his head behind me.

        The lesbian?, I asked.

        Wow it really is that obvious?, a new female voice said from behind me. I turned around. 

        Takes one to know one., I winked, crossing my arms and smirking.

        So you're Jayy, the gay one. I've heard a bit about you. A friend of mine's obsessed with BOTDF., She said.

        Oh god, please don't talk about Dahvie's band right now. That's the reason I'm here. Gary just showed up a few hours ago and wanted to join the band again, and Dahvie let him. I have no idea where that leaves me if I'm even still expected to be in the band!, I said, putting my hands to my head. Where the hell was Jeffree, I was hoping for a good lay tonight.

        Sorry mate., Ben said.

        Do you think a trip back to a hotel room would clear all those crazy negative thoughts away from your head?, a similar voice added it, making me happier than I'd been all day.

        Oh thank god you showed, Jeffree. I was beginning to think you forgot about me. See you later boys. Have fun with your gay problem!, I added before sliding my arm around Jeffree's waist and getting the hell out of that bar and down the street. The last thing I heard was Ben's voice mumbling 'gay problem???'.

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