Chapter 4

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Penny ushered Melina back to his chambers whilst he was in the midst of his meal. Once the door was opened, he turned to face the sight before him.

Melina asked Penny to give her a simple attire so she should not catch his attention. Penny was grateful to oblige. She gave her a faded orange gown with a blouse that was buttoned high up her neck like a turtle neck. She did not notice however, that the turtle neck blouse made her bosoms appear even larger.

Although they were completely covered, the size left Titus with much satisfaction in her appearance. Penelope was quickly dismissed from his quarters, "That is all for tonight Penny", he said.

She tried to hide her glare towards Melina in his presence. Melina looked towards her with pleading eyes as if asking her to take her away. "Actually, can I come with you Penelope? I could really use a rest from this travel. I am too tired to eat." Penny smiled.

He grabbed her arm whilst she tried to rise. "You will rest after you have eaten."

Much to her dismay, she was forced to stay in his room alone with him after Penny left.

"Eat" he grunted.

She avoided his stares and took slow bites from her food hoping to bore him and send him to his bed. Of course he found this quite sensual watching her. Her face and skin was clean from all dirt and sweat from the raid. He now noticed her true beauty. Her skin was fair and golden. Her full lips, a pretty dark pink natural hue. Eyes, a light green, not common in the maidens he saw.

As they ate in silence, he wondered what would be his next move.

"What is your name?" he asked.

She glared at him. "You mind telling me why I am here? I didn't exactly come here as your guest to make small talk."

"You are in the best home here in my tribe. You would rather be taken by one of my men? I can assure you my men would not have you eating or talking about now. Leave and you do not have my protection."

"I don't need your protection. I was fine where I was." She seethed.

"Maybe you were considered strong where you came from. But here you are weak. Don't forget how easily I caught you girl. I can have you pinned under me again and you won't be able to make me move" he gave her a smug smile.

She chose her next words very carefully. Angering him would be very dangerous for her. He was right, he was much stronger than her and she cannot fight off all of his men in his tribe if she escapes.

His hand tilted her chin up to his face, "You will be my woman."

She shrugged away. "I will never be yours!" She rose to storm off and escape his advances. With one swift pull, she was again in his arms with her back against his chest. He crossed his arms around her making it difficult for her to escape.

His hot breath fanned her neck. "I asked for your name."

"Melina. Now tell me yours so I could remember the man I killed"

That earned a laugh from him. "I would like to see you try. It has been a while since this place has been so entertaining, I have been wise selecting you. I would instead tell you the name of your husband, Titus."

She kicked back on his shin hard and pulled away. He let her leave so he could continue his laughter. He knows he would have her another time. His place may be large but she cannot hide forever.


Days have passed and she continued to avoid him. Penny had the other two maids help hide her and sneak meals to her so she not dine with him again. She spent her days making new clothes out of cow hides and leather. Clothes she would prefer to fight in. Her new duties were tending to the animals and horses as the other servants could not handle the ruly animals.

At night, when Titus left the training grounds, she would sneak in and train to boost her combat and fighting skills.

Her hiding days were quite successful until he came looking for his horse. She thought that he would send a servant for his horse, not personally come for it. She remembered the day they arrived, someone had taken the horse away to the stables.

"Well well, what do we have here? Is this where you have been hiding?"

She was startled by his unexpected presence. He noticed she abandoned those dresses he sent for her. But he still enjoyed the view of seeing her slim, yet curvy body under fitted leather attire.

"Why are you here? Don't you have some training to do? Practicing to raid more villages?"

"I see you have learnt my routine. No need to spy on me, my dear. You are welcome to join me anytime."

She scoffed. "As if I want to be near you"

"Anyhow, I came for my horse." He saddled the horse and mounted atop it.

"Oh you're leaving?" She beamed.

"Yes WE are." He pulled her up quickly and rode off whilst holding her waist tightly to him.

He knew exactly where she was all this time. That is why he personally fetched his horse. Where he was going, he needed her. His next mission was to marry this woman and finally make her his.

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