Chapter 6

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The day has come for Titus to return to her hometown. She was more than anxious. So much worries filled her head.

What if he finds out that I'm lying?

If Rhett is alive will he let me stay?

I have to go with him. He might find out the truth if he goes alone. He might get angry and kill more people there when he finds out the truth. This is my only chance to return home.

Titus found her pacing in her room laced with concern. A flash of guilt passed through him, just for a moment.

In all her pretense, she was never emotional about leaving home. Maybe if she was more emotional he would have believed her blindly and let her go. But from her desperation to escape, Titus can clearly see her worried state.

As he entered her room she bounced into him while pacing. He caught her and held her still.

"What is the matter? You think I am going to kill your precious husband?" She nodded quickly and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"I may be a brute but I do not go against my own laws. I know he is dead. We killed all who fought against us that day. When I return, we will have a proper wedding this time."

She let out a soft whimper out of desperation. That concerned him, he never saw her like this before. So... helpless.

"Take me with you!"

"What? No. You are to stay here." He commanded.

"And I suppose you know my husband? What if you return thinking he is dead just because you cannot identify him? Take... me... with... you!"

"Fine. You may come and you will see for yourself that you no longer belong to him." He turned to leave in anger.

"Wait!" she screamed. He paused at the door.

"When I see him there, will you let me stay with him?" she noticed that he tensed. "Please! You know your laws. You cannot separate a man from his wife." She was close to tears.

After a few moments, he left her there without responding. He did not want to answer that question because he did not want to talk of giving her away to someone else. Never have he seen her reacting this way. It hurt him to know that she desperately worried and yearned for another man.


Their journey to her village was long. She was quiet and kept her distance from him. She shared no cocky remarks like before, nor fought with him. All she asked for was privacy because a married woman cannot share a room with another man.

This angered him. It was her way of telling him that she did not belong to him.

When the ship arrived at the dock, the warning horn was blown. The town was still a wreck from their raid. Houses was still under construction to be rebuilt and blood was stained on the battlefield.

The villagers were awestruck to when they arrived. They were not expecting such a hasty return from them. Women and whatever men remained all took a somewhat weak battle stance ready to defend their remains of the town.

In return, the Titans were readying themselves to fight. Although Titus only brought one ship of warriors with him, they were sufficient to take down this weakened, recovering village.

Titus raised his hand in signal to stop his men from going any further and announced. "Listen all. We are not here to fight. We are here to find someone. If you all cooperate, no one will be harmed nor taken."

The villagers sighed in relief but there were some who doubted his intents, "Why should we believe you? Who are you here for?" This was Melina's father who came forward.

"Father!" She ran towards his direction and into his arms. "Father you're alive! You're alive!" Her strong shield against her emotions was breaking. She never shed tears before anyone but she was so close to breaking.

Her father was equally shocked to see her and held her tight in his embrace.

"Melina my dear. Oh you're back! I looked for you everywhere. I even hoped that you was safe in the forest when you ran away. All I found was your bow and arrow on the ground. I wasn't sure if you was killed by them or if you survived when they took you."

"No father I'm alive and well. And I'm back, you see? We are here for-"

"I'll do the talking." She was grabbed and pushed behind Titus. He did not want her getting too comfortable of staying here. Neither did he want to trust her to look for Rhett. "We are looking for a man called Rhett."

Her father looked between the two in confusion, not understanding why they would come all the way here for Rhett.


"Be quiet" interrupted Titus. She grew more anxious by the second, hoping that he does not suspect her father's confusion.

Titus was about to taunt her father for not recognizing his son-in-law until another villager came forward.

"Rhett my boy? Did, did he come with you?" This was Rhett's father.

"Are you saying that he is not here?"

The blacksmith shook his head no.

"Is he dead?" asked Titus.

His father bowed his head in sorrow. "I do know what to think. So many fell that day, some we buried, some we lost their bodies. Some was so beaten that we could not recognized them. I want my son back! You took him from us! He was my only son" He began to cry.

Then Melina, who was once quietly watching the conversation, began to shake as tears erupted from her eyes. Her wails were soft yet audibly heard. Upon seeing her, Rhett's father comforted her thinking that she too was mourning Rhett's death. But no, she mourned because she now realised that she have lost her chance of escape.

"I'm so sorry you had to find out this way my child. Rhett my boy loved you so much. We all knew how lovestruck he was with you. I'm so sorry." He continued to pet her until her father took her from him and consoled her.

"I will miss you daddy." She whispered. "If Rhett was alive, I would have stayed"

Her father now realised what her source of mourning is. He too began to cry, because he knew like her mother, he would never see his daughter again. The villagers all mourned out of pity for them and out of memory of their own lost ones.

Titus was conflicted in his own emotions. He felt happy yet not victorious. He knew it would be hard to get her heart, after what he has done, after what he has put her through. At first, he wanted only her body, but now, he wanted her love.

When he took her back, she was quiet and stayed alone. She was severely damaged and he thought she was mourning her husband and family. He told her that he would give her some time to recuperate but he still wishes to wed her.

He also needed timeto reflect on what he has done to this girl and how to show her that he hasfallen for her.

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