Story 1 - Part 1 - Ai No Scenario (Love's Scenario)

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A/N : The vid I uploaded is a cover by Ion. Not the original. I'll try my best to upload the video of the songs for every story I write.
I ran to her house as fast as I can, almost running into several people at the same time. To think that she actually dared to tell her father, the king, that she would be living alone. Sadly, her father arranged a marriage for her and she has to live in her husband-to-be's (or not) house. He is handsome, I guess, but like, who has white hair at the age of 21?!?!

My name is Kobayashi Setsuto I'm 19, the girl I was just talking about is Hinata Hayashi, she's also 19, the guy, with ugly white hair, I was talking about is Tanaka Haru, well, it should be haku ('Winter' in Japanese [romaji]) since he has white hair, well actually silver, pretty cool, but when I called him that he tried to strangle me. It's obvious isn't it? Haru hates me. Why? Well, it's only because his marriage was only an ARRANGED one by Hinata's father, the king of Aldor, and Hinata loves me and I love her too. Oh, and one more reason, the king knows that Hinata and I love each other, so he asked me to try get Hinata back from Haru, before the wedding, if I can. I'm trying to come up with something to get her back but I haven't come up with anything yet. The only problem here is Haru, he paid Hinata's father to let him marry her. Of course, Hinata's father had a problem with it. What is it you ask? Well he might be handsome and son of one of the most wealthy families in the land, but his attitude is HORRIBLE. He hates everything Hinata and her father loves, but the money made the King agree.

I reached Hinata's, and Haru's, house. I saw a beam of light shining down in front of me and looked up. I saw Hinata using her small mirror to tell me where she was. Perfecto, her room window is right infront of a tree, I can climb it to get to her. I climbed up the tree just as she opened the window.

"Setsuto! Where have you been?!" She whispered/shouted. "You're late by 30 minutes!"

"Gomene Hinata, I got held back by my dad. He asked me to help him deliver some stuff...again." (I couldn't find the right time to put it in so I'll just do it now, Setsuto is a pheasant and Hinata is, obviously, a princess)

"Thought so. Did you find anything?"


I took out a small box from my pocket. Before Hinata's father had arranged for her marriage, she would go to my house and we would just hang around in the flower fields near my house. We discovered an old tree that had a note lying on the ground with ancient writing and we'd been trying to decipher it. We found out that the note said: "This tree holds secrets. Find them" but that was after she had to start living with Mr.SilverHead. Today I searched the tree and found a small jewelry box the size of my palm, inside a hole in the tree, I scared an owl in the process of taking it out. I didn't see what was inside. I showed her the box.

"That's so cute and tiny! What's inside?"

"Haven't checked yet."

"Open it!" Her voice getting louder and louder with excitement

"Okay okay. But Oji-san might find out if you raise your voice any louder"

Her eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her hand saying a muffled 'sorry'. I chuckled and opened the box, inside there was a small necklace with a heart shaped diamond.

"It's so pretty." She whispered

"Here turn around, I'll put it on for you."

So I put it on and when I hooked it on we heard Haru's voice from downstairs calling for Hinata.

"Hide. He's coming up."

I hid behind a branch that was had enough leaves to cover me just as Haru appeared at the door of Hinata's room.

"Why is your window open?" He asked, walking towards Hinata slowly.

"I wanted some fresh air."

"Hmmm...he's here isn't he"


Haru slapped her and she fell on the floor, crying and rubbing the sore area. The slap was so loud you would have thought it was a gun shot, no one could fathom how much force he put into that slap. I was so shocked I came out from behind the leaves, wanting to go into her room and comfort her. Only then had I remembered that Haru knew I was there, my moving only proved him right.

"So, the lowly clown is here after all." He said, obvious hate in his voice

"You're the one that's low. Who would hit a girl that hard?! In fact who would hit a girl at all?!"

"She deserved it for hurting her future husband."

"She hurt you only because she doesn't love you. You forced her to marry you."

"Dont use your 'She loves me excuse' again. It's getting pretty boring. Leave."

I jumped down one branch and heard him say to Hinata:

"If I ever see him again I'll be moving your room to the basement."

"Unless she doesn't live with you anymore." I whispered.

I heard the door close. I climbed back up and went into the room through the still open window. Hinata was still lying on the floor, crying. I picked her up and carried her to her bed, putting her down gently. I noticed that she had stopped crying and I stood next to her bed, drawing runes for a spell to cure the sore on her right cheek, it was getting worse. Too bad I wasn't an alchemist, I could create a potion faster.

"Setsuto, what are you still doing here?!" She asked.


"Ah, sorry. Please answer me."

"Don't worry I'll leave soon, in case he comes to check on you again. I'll just use a spell to heal the sore where he slapped you." My anger rising as I said each word.

I finished the spell and the sore wore off. I ran to the window and said to Hinata before climbing out:

"Leave the window open, always."

I ran to my house, slowly coming up with a plan. I helped my parents prepare dinner. After dinner I waited until it was 12 midnight. I ran out of the house and to Hinata's house. I climbed up the tree and knocked on her room window. I pushed the window open slightly as she got up from her bed.

"Setsuto! Why are you here?!" She whispered/shouted

I put a finger to my lips and she calmed down slightly. I went to her and cupped her face in my hands.

"I'm getting you out of here."


"Don't ask. Just come with me."

I helped her out of bed and we jumped out of the window, landing on a nearby branch. We jumped down from the tree and ran through the dimly lit streets. We ran to the hills near the flower fields and lay there, panting heavily. Slowly, we fell asleep.

Haru's P.O.V

I heard foot steps upstairs and ran up to Hinata's room. I slammed open the door to find her bed empty and window open, curtains flapping from the wind outside. I ran out of the house and into the street, holding my red necklace as it glowed and suddenly I was moved to the future.

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