Suki Kirai [Love and Hate]

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Yes, I know, I was supposed to continue with Synchronicity for the second song but I wanted to do some research on that first so I did this one.
Mou! His stupid confession has been stuck in my head since yesterday! Len-Kun is sooooo annoying!!! I screamed in my mind while I stormed out of class and to the rooftop for lunch. My name is Kagamine Rin, I'm 14 and I don't have any friends. Yesterday, I got a confession from a really cheeky guy named Kagamine Len, who is also 14 and doesn't have any friends either. I hate the fact that we have the same last names. I opened my bento box and started eating. Isn't there something between liking and hating? I thought to myself as I munched on my onigiri.

"I'm forced to choose either one or the or hate...AH WAKANNAI!" I said.

Suddenly, Len-Kun came through the door, luckily I was sitting on top of the entrance so he didn't see me. A/N: from the manga I've read and anime I've watched I've seen that there are some school rooftops that have ladders leading to the top of the small hut, or whatever you wanna call it, where the entrances are. He started eating then he said:

"Looks like it worked. She'll fall for me soon then we can get married with three kids!"

"What are you talking about, Len?!"

"Ah, Rin." He said, turning around to face me.

"You do realize we're only 14...right? Like going out..."

"I like you!" He cut me off.

"Listen to me, baka. Why are you so random? Agh whatever, bye." I said, finishing my food, climbing down the ladder and going out the door.

I closed the door and leaned against it. I hate you so why is my heart beating so fast?! I screamed mentally. I ran to the classroom and took out my textbook as Len walked in and sat front of me. Did I mention that his seat is directly in front of mine? Well, it is and he keeps passing notes, which I actually read only because I'm bored a lot.

The school bell rang and I ran out of class. I ran to my house and up the stairs to my room saying hi to my pet cat. I dropped my bag on the floor and immediately flopped, face down, onto my bed.

"Len-Kun, what did you do to my heart?" I said softly, falling asleep...

The next day...

I ran to school and walked towards my class. Len came running up behind me.

"Rin!" He called.

I turned around.

"Ah, Len-k...Ohayo..."

"Hai." he said, passing me a box.

"Eh? Nani?"

"Rainbow quartz. You were looking at it that time." He said between heavy breaths.

"Ah, so you saw...a-arigatou ne."

He smiled and we walked to class together. We sat down and class started. During class I looked at Len's hair. Hehe, his ponytail is kinda cute. Eh?! What am I thinking?! I shook my head with my eyes closed and when I opened them I saw a note on my table. I sighed and unfolded it, it read:

Meet me at the rooftop like yesterday, during lunch.
- Len ;)

Agh It's so weird when he draws faces on his notes. I thought as I wrote on the back: Fine. I tapped his shoulder an passed him the note. He read it and turned back to me, smiling. I guess he does look pretty cute...AGH WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I almost said out loud.

The bell rang and we were released for lunch. I ran straight to the rooftop and saw no one. I climbed up the ladder again and waited for Len. He walked through a looked around, not noticing me. Then he turned around and looked up at me.

"Riiiiin!" He said.

I climbed down and stood infront of him.

"Why'd you call me here?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I'm gonna sing for you!"

"Eh? That's...weird."

He just ignored me and started singing: A/N: these are the actual lyrics in the song.

"You lit my fire - shaking and shaking
It rises up and becomes a high pyromania
"I love you!" I don't know for sure
But this is probably the answer"

"Wah, Len can sing." I said in a bored tone. It is pretty good though...

"There's no mistake!" He said suddenly.

"Eh? No mistake?"

"I like you for no reason."

"Ah, so that's what you meant."

Then he started playing his guitar and I spotted a butterfly on his hair. Ah, a butterfly. He swung his was around and it flew away. Ah, it got away. I thought as I started to eat. I finished my meal and watched as Len ate his lunch. I wonder if I'm actually falling for him...AGH WHAT AM I THINKING?! I screamed in my mind, resisting the urge to slap myself.

He got up and grabbed his guitar with one hand, holding out the other while looking up at me.

"Iku, class is gonna start." he said.

I jumped down.

"I don't need you to tell me..."

"Haha, tsundere is cute too."

"Tsundere janai!"

We ran back to class and the teacher walked in. I looked at him. Shimatta, I'm falling for him. I thought while scribbling down notes. Class ended and I just slouched in my seat.

"I've actually fallen for him..." I said softly while covering my face. I sat there and thought for a while then I stood up.

"I have to tell him!"

I grabbed my bag and ran to the courtyard.

"Where is he? I heard that he stays back in school but where does he go?!" I said, looking around furiously.

I heard a guitar being played from behind me and saw Len playing his guitar on the rooftop. I ran to the rooftop and stopped just outside the door to catch my breath. I was just about to open the door when Len opened it. His face was shocked and I blushed looking at it, thinking: Ah, he's cute when he's innocent.

"Len-Kun! I need to tell you something!" I said, my heart racing from the running and the excitement. He cocked his head.

"I-I-I l-li-like y-you!" I stuttered.

"Ah, sugoi. I never thought this would happen, I thought you would just stay tsundere forever."

"So you want me to stay tsundere?"

"No, this you is cuter!" He said smiling, but this time, he didn't look cheeky. He just looked cute and kind like the kind of person anyone would like to date. My heart began to beat faster as I thought: I made the right choice. I hugged him and he actually jumped. I peeked at his face and saw that he was blushing. I laughed and pulled away.

"So, the real Len is actually really shy huh?"

"I-Im not used to...this..."


I grabbed his hand.

"Yosh, iku! Let's go back!"


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