The Boy And The Magical Robot

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I touched the Notice Board and stared at the flyer. The thought came to me, seeing myself stand on the huge stage, unable to sing. I sighed. Matta dame ka?

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see the Professor.

"Ohayo! Sensei!"


And I followed him to class.

-A few days later-

"Kazuto, come here for a bit!" The professor called out from his lab.

I ran over and went inside. I saw the professor with a small robot next to him, it was made to look like a girl. There was a big button on the side of her head shaped like a music note.

"This is Merodii, she will sing the lyrics and any melody you play for her. Press that button and she will sing." The professor patted Merodii on the back and she said.

Merodii looked up to the professor then to me, taking a step forward.

"I will sing the songs you create in my very best voice!" She smiled.

"Go on, I've trained her to sing one song already."

Slowly, I reached out to press the button and pressed it. Merodii started singing and although it was a bit weird, but the song touched my heart. Immediately I knew I could share my songs with everyone.

After that, everyday I would spend my free time writing songs for the recital and soon after the recital day came. I went onstage with Merodii and the whole auditorium was silent.

"I want someone to listen to these songs I have created!" I said to the crowd.

The whole audience erupted saying things like:

'Dont bring a robot here!' And

'Screw this!'

I stared at the floor but Merodii tugged at my shirt.

"Believe." She said softly.

She took my hand and used it to press her button. She started singing and the audience quietened. After a while they all began to smile and clapped along with the song, I was pretty sure the song reached them, my feelings reached them. Merodii looked at me and nodded. I took a deep breath and started singing along, dancing on the stage.

3rd Person P.O.V

After that recital Merodii and Kazuto would always be singing together, writing songs together and playing together. After what seemed like only a few hours, several years had passed and Kazuto grew up to become a fine young man. He left Merodii with the professor and went out to look for a job. A few years later, it was Kazuto's birthday and Merodii sent him a letter.

Kazuto received the letter and read it. The letter said:

Hello, Kazuto-San! Happy Birthday! Remember when I sang that song you wrote just for me? I really loved that song, I felt like it was the only thing that really connected us. I really hope it reached you, I really hope my feelings reached you. Come meet me at the hilltop where we used to sing at 6 when the sun sets. I really want to see you.

Kazuto immediately ran to the hilltop where He and Merodii would play and sing together when they were younger. He arrived and saw Merodii's back facing him. She turned around and smiled.

"Happy Birthday, Kazuto-San! Those songs that you taught me back then, since I can still remember them..." She said and started singing that one song that connected the two of them. At the end Kazuto was crying and amazingly, so was Merodii.

"Is it reaching your heart even now?" She asked.

"This song..."

"Can you still hear this singing voice of mine?"

"Yes, I can." Kazuto replied, crying happily.

"Welcome back, Master!" Merodii said, smiling cheerfully.

Kazuto ran forward and hugged her. That had been the best birthday present anyone had ever given him...

Yes, I know, this one really sucks but I was just so out of ideas... ya know, holiday and your brain just goes on 'bored' mode automatically... anyways I'll try to improve the next song stories!

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