Synchronicity ~ Part 2 - Paradise of Light and Shadow

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Rin's P.O.V

I sang a prayer in the deep dungeon, seeing all my past and sadness...

Gakupo's P.O.V

Luka attacked me and tied me up. She stood there laughing. I saw a figure come up behind her and the next moment a sword was held at her throat. Another moment later, a different sword flew from behind me, landing at the feet of Luka's attacker. The sword had a red hilt. Meiko. She attacked the man and I saw his face, the Man Born Of Shadow, The Wanderer of Darkness: Kagamine Len.

I felt a tug and saw that Luka was pulling the rope. She threw me into a room and left the keys hanging outside.

Rin's P.O.V

I am fated to sing prayers in this realm of darkness...

Miku's P.O.V

Sing forever...

Meiko's P.O.V

I fought with Len and he let out a howl. I was reminded of Teto, those fun times we had together...and...when I killed her. I countered and my sword ended up at Len's throat.

Rin's P.O.V

I sang 'till my lips bled. I collapsed, breathing like I never stopped singing.

Meiko's P.O.V

"Finish him!" Luka screamed.

"I swore..." I said softly, remembering Teto's smiling face.

"I said finish him!" She screamed.

"I SWORE NEVER TO KILL ANYONE BY ORDER WITH THESE STAINED HANDS OF MINE!" I screamed, pointing my sword at Luka's throat instead.

A quick flash and my sword was thrown to the side. I looked to my left and saw Ruko kneeling there, her scythe stuck in the floor, smiling like a madman. Truly stained by evil. I thought as I drew out my second sword.

"I will cleanse your darkness." I said, charging.

Gakupo's P.O.V

I sat there in the silent room. I heard shouts coming from the hall outside then the lock clicked. The door opened to reveal Kaito, keys swinging in his hands, dressed like a thug.

"Kaito! Why are you dressed like that? Aren't you a priest?"

"Haha, that's only a cover. I'm a thug in reality." he said, cutting the ropes in one swing of his dagger.

We ran out to the scene of Meiko and Len fighting Luka's men. We helped them out and inched closer to the main doors as we did. We fought them off an ran to the exit...

Len's P.O.V

My solo quest to save Rin ended up being one done by a party. we traveled the lands in search of Rin, asking for directions and tips from people of the villages we came across. Wherever we went we were attacked by Luka's men and eventually we were hated by villagers everywhere.

Rin's P.O.V

I got up and continued singing my prayers, mouth bleeding, throat dry and voice fading...

Kaito's P.O.V

We finally reached the mountain where we were told a young maiden with yellow hair, who supposedly looked like Len, was kept by an evil mistress.

Rin and Len's P.O.V


Meiko's P.O.V

We advanced into the mountain and encountered the dark mistress. She created shadows of ghastly creatures which attacked us.

Len's P.O.V

As we fought the shadows I saw that the Mistress, whom I was told was called Hatsune Miku: Mistress of Shadow, just stared at us fighting. She did nothing but stood there and watched. I ran to her, intending to strike her but she countered with her staff. She whispered something about Rin and pushed me back and hit me with a spell as I lay there, not being able to move. I watched in horror as the other three were cut down, one by one. Miku stood there, laughing.

Miku's P.O.V

The memory came back to me.

"No! No! Don't do this to me!" I screamed as he placed the mask on my face. I was put under his spell.

Unable to control myself... I stood there, laughing, as I watched Len's party get cut down one by one by my shadows.

The memory appeared once again. The chained doors, a rose then the cave.

I ran to a corner of the cave. I looked up, crying.


Rin's P.O.V

"Utatte..." she said in a pained voice. And so, I sang my pitiful prayer:

"I pray to protect for the bright world where everyone can smile. A song of hope and light to tomorrow, I give my life to it, singing vigorously. Let my voice float with the wind 'till I die."

Len's P.O.V

"Matta meguru." I heard. A/N: mata meguru mean history repeats itself.

My eyes shot open and I saw Miku standing there, staff in hand. I got up and she jumped, turning around and looking at me with a shocked face. She was shocked that I could still stand to fight. I stared at her and she cast a spell my way. I charged with a war cry and cut through her spell. She stepped back and cried out as I cut her mask. I passed her as she cried.

"A mask that hides emotion, how pitiful." I said, running off.

I ran to a bright room and saw Rin standing there. I reached out for her as I ran...

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