Synchronicity ~ Part 1 - Looking For You In The Sky

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Miku's P.O.V

I knelt on the ground, staff in one hand and the other on the ground. I will find you. I heard. Len-kun, you only have to try looking for me and you will find Rin. I thought. I got up and called the dragon.

"It's time."


Len's P.O.V

I stood at the top of the hill. I will find you. I thought and ran down the hill.

I ventured the empty plains and arrived at my destination, a kingdom that specialised in trade. I walked through the crowded streets, headed for the castle...

Gakupo's P.O.V

I walked around the palace and Luka stood in front of me, pushing her hair back as it flowed in the wind.

Kaito's P.O.V

I walked the streets of the city, dressed in my blue robes, and spotted a young man with yellow hair. He was well known, his title 'The Wanderer Of Darkness' given to him when he slayed a, supposedly, innocent young woman. Of course, I'd seen it and I knew very well that the woman he had slain had not a hint of innocence to her but I didn't say anything as it would bring chaos to the townspeople of the area where it'd happened.

Len's P.O.V

"I'll rescue you, Rin."

I said as I stood at the edge of the cliff looking at the castle right in front of me.

Rin's P.O.V


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