Story 1- Part 2- Ai No Scenario

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I woke up lying on the ground next to Haru. he had dark blue hair and looked 19. He told me something funny and I laughed.

"Why are you two flirting so much?"

I get up and see Setsuto, with blonde hair.

"We're just playing around." Replied Haru

"Whatever" and he walked off.

We heard the school bell, said goodbye and went to our classes. my name is Hinata Hayashi, I'm 19. Tanaka Haru is also 19, he has dark blue hair, though I vaguely remember seeing him with silver hair. Must've been a cosplay, but I don't remember. Setsuto Kobayashi is 19 as well, he has blonde hair, I also vaguely remember him in brown hair.

During lunch time I was walking out of class and saw Setsuto holding Haru by his shirt, his feet hovering above the ground. Setsuto threw Haru backwards, his back hitting the wall with a loud 'thump'. I ran over to them and put myself in the middle of them.

"Setsuto! What are you doing?!?!"

He only muttered something in an angry tone and ran away. I knelt down next to Haru and pulled him up so that he could lean against the wall.

"Daijobu ka?"

"H-hai. Daijobu desu."

"What happened?!"

"I was running and ran into him."

"That's pretty unreasonable, and to think Setsuto did it!"

Haru just stayed quiet. After a while he got up and walked away, saying goodbye. I decided to follow him. He went into the main building and went into the drama club room. It was empty because the drama club had disbanded last year so I wondered what he was doing there. I waited until he went in and slid the door open slightly. I saw him sitting on a table with a wicked grin on his face.

"Heh, worthless girl, I'll get her to fall for me in no time!"

I was shocked. I knew he didn't have any other girl friends except for me. I ran down the hallway, crying like I never had before.

Setsuto's P.O.V

The bell rang for lunch and class ended. I went looking for Haru immediately. That son of a bitch will pay, how dare he act innocent to Hinata. I found Haru near the garden leaning against the wall, reading. I ran up to him and held his shirt, lifting him off the ground.

"Eh?!" He shouted, surprisingly, his tone sounded bored. I knew it!

"Don't try to act innocent Haru!"

"Heh, I guess I don't have to act anymore. Looks like I'll never get her to be mine if you're that desperate."

I was shocked at his words, we were the only ones who could remember, out of the three of us, Hinata, Haru and I, our lives when we were living in a world of fantasy. I threw him backwards and saw Hinata run in the middle of Haru and I.

"Setsuto! What are you doing?!?!"

"Tsk, he'll definitely pay." I mumbled angrily and ran off. I walked slowly to the main building and walked around. After a while I saw Hinata running in my direction, crying. She tripped and fell, but she never hit the ground, I caught her and her eyes opened, shocked.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" I asked, my voice softening from when I spoke to Haru. I steadied her as she replied:

"H-Haru. He-he."

"Shhh. I know, don't worry. Come on, I'll be your knight in shining armour." I said as I held out my hand to her.

"Silly Setsuto." she laughed wiping her tears.

I grabbed her hand and ran towards the drama club room. I opened the door and saw Haru sitting on a table right in the middle, legs crossed.

"Haru, let's go back." I said calmly.

"Eh? What do you mean?" I heard Hinata ask.

"Ara, I've been defeated again." Haru said in a sinister voice and I saw what happened today flash before my eyes...

Hinata's P.O.V

I woke up from a dream. I saw Setsuto, Haru and I wearing school uniform, my eyes still closed. Then I remembered exactly what happened, the time travel, Setsuto's change, Haru's change and I opened my eyes. I was still in my normal town, in pyjamas after Setsuto and I escape from Haru's house.

Maybe it was just a dream after all...

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