Chapter 27: New Day, New Beginnings

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Jai's POV:

Honestly, I haven't been this worried even for my boards results as much as I am for their decision. I woke up early today due to all the anxiety that has been built up from last night. Well, for waking up I needed to sleep, but I couldn't sleep only. I just hope Maira is ready to give me a chance, to take a chance on us. I knew there were many things we didn't know about one another and things we both wanted to talk about with one another but we will have ample amount of time to do that. For now I just want a reassurance that she is not going anywhere.

I was in my home gym working out, trying to ease myself of the nerves that have gotten into me from the moment I have left Maria's house last night. I don't know why I am feeling like this, this isn't the first time I was meeting a girl for marriage.

But this is the first time you want her to say yes badly and not the the other way around.

That's true. I know I am over-working myself but at this point I couldn't care less. I decide that instead of facing a muscle tear, it is better to go and get some work done at the hotel.

I went to take a shower and got ready for office. I was on my way to office when I received a call from mom.

"Did they call?"

"You do realise it is very early for people to be calling each other, right?" I hear her say in an amused voice.

I looked at the time in my watch and realised it's barely 9 in the morning.

"Ohh...Why did you call?"

"To ask you, why you didn't have your breakfast but let it be now since I already know the answer. My baby's nerves are all shot up in anticipation...awww."

"Mom, please don't tease me, not right now. I feel like I'll cry if I don't get to know their decision soon."

"Awwww, you are so whipped...what will happen once you are married to her."

"It's not like that..." I don't even know why I said that to mom, knowing her I am not gonna hear the end of it.

"It's just I am worried what if she says no. Maira is the first girl I really like and I don't want to let her go."

"Jai, you cannot force someone to be with you. If Maira doesn't say yes, you'll have to realise that maybe she doesn't feel the same way or maybe she needs more time."

"I know mom, I know. I need to go, I almost reached the hotel. Bye." I kept the phone a but frustrated by my mom's pessimism.

I go inside my office and decide that it's better not to think about anything and focus on work. So, being the workaholic that I am, soon I am engrossed in looking at some statements and contacting various departments regarding updates and I do not even realise that it's already almost 6.

I have somehow stopped my mind from wandering the unwanted territories but somehow I reach the borders of those territories before having to retrieve since I know it's no good. I stop myself from thinking what I will do if Maira says no but somewhere deep down I know if Maira says no I would wanna try once more time to understand her reason and reservations before I give up on her just yet.

I did not receive any calls from home which I don't know if is a good thing or bad. I mean obviously, Mr. Kapoor will call dad to inform about their decision and dad would call me immediately, right? What if he isn't calling me, no don't think negative. Have hope. I saw a glimmer in Maira's eyes yesterday which was something new to me and I know even she felt something between us whether she wants to accept or not.

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