Chapter 7: Talk about exiting in all Swag

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Maira's POV:
I woke up quite early. I pulled the curtains apart to see the sky adorned with greying pink hue. Leaving the curtains open I returned to my bedside to pick up my phone. There was a message which had me grinning with all thirty two teeth at show.

I have arranged it all. Meet me at 11 in the morning near the pond that you saw yesterday. See you then, Maira. -Jai

I had ample amount of time so decided to get ready. I settled for long white kurti with a slit in the middle and a pair of black pants.....casual-yet-formal kinda vibes.

Getting ready I went downstairs to get some food. Fortunately I was on time. Everyone was just getting seated for breakfast. Greeting them I took my seat but was astonished to see Jai missing. Before I could give it much of a thought I felt the atmosphere to be quite tense and felt really awkward. Seemed like everyone was talking just instead of words, they used their eyes.

Not wanting to interrupt I took a piece of toast and got up excusing myself on a false pretext. I went back to my room.

Where is he? Is everything okay? Is our plan still on? But incase there was a change of plans he would have texted me right? Should I text him? Wouldn't it look......

Damn it, Maira!! Stop overthinking if he was busy or wanted to change plans he would have messaged you or said something. But why was he not there at the table today and what was going on with the tense atmosphere...... Well it's their family matter I shouldn't get interested in it.

Keeping aside that part of me begging me to tell him to postpone the plan, I went downstairs making my way to the pond. Before I could reach there I was stopped by Vijay Sir.

"Ohh Maira I was just about to give you a call. You see I thought we can go to the hotel today and look around the property and the business and get the information we might need. So we will leave after lunch. Be ready by 3."

"Oh okay sir."  Sir went towards his room and I finally reached to my destination.

Near the pond there was a small bench we I didn't see the other day. I made my way to the bench and sat there. It was just 11 :01 so I decided to wait for sometime.

I was going through some mails and enjoying the beautiful weather and the greenry infront of my  when I realised more than an hour has passed by since I have been waiting.

I told you not to expect anything from anyone but you don't wanna listen so now suffer. He should have had the decency to atleast inform you if he was going to stand you up.

Well it's not like it was a date where I was stood up so it's okay. He may go to hell for all I care. From now onwards I am going to keep this a purely professional relation wherein he's my client. That's it. No expectations, no hurt. And conscience please stop criticizing me. I have had enough criticisms already to last a lifetime, don't need you to add onto it. I went inside and back to my room.

Ughhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Jumping onto the soft bed, taking a pillow I let out a loud scream making me feel better instantly. I decided to get some more work done, the best way to cope up with your emotions I would say.
Meanwhile I also messaged Sir texting I do not wanna have lunch and to let me know when we have to leave for the hotel.

Come downstairs in the living area. Will leave in 5 minutes.- Vijay Sir

Finally getting up I tied my hair in a high ponytail, took another pair of shades from my bag, my black handbag and descended the stairs to where Sir was waiting for me.

Well it's time that Prince Jai Singh Rathore meets the real savage Advocate Maira Kapoor.

In about an hour and half later that we reach the hotel and make our way to wherever the manager was taking us. I just hope he isn't here and his father or anyone but him gives us all the information we need cause I don't think he has a death wish today.

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