Chapter 32: The Surprise

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Jai's POV:

I come back home excited for the ceremony, and make my way to my parents' rooms. I can see them already getting ready. I let out a whistle.

"Wow... someone here is looking very pretty." I say looking towards my mom.

She turns to me with an angry glare on her face. I go towards her and give her a hug.

"Enough butter polishing, I am not forgiving you for going to office today or for coming this late."

"Mom, I told you it was very important or else I wouldn't have gone myself. I am sorry."

"Jai, take a seat, I want to talk to you."

Strange. The tone in which mom asked me to take a seat, is making me anxious.

"Mom, is everything alright?"

"Actually, the thing is, first you will listen to me and then react. Okay?" I give her a quick nod.

"Maira wants to postpone the engaged. I mean she should be tel-"

"Jai, where are you going, hear what your mom-"

"No, dad, I will talk to her for once and for all." I am furious as well as upset. I thought we had it established that we are getting married.

I make my ways towards Maira's room and knock on it. Thankfully, Maira opens it, because I am so furious at this point that I don't want to deal with anyone. She looks shocked but quickly recovers.

"Jai, what are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you alone." Seeing her I realise that I should try and stay as calm as I can. I don't wanna shout at her knowing she doesn't like getting shouted at.

"Okay? Come in." She is confused? Why?

"What is this Maira? Why do I hear that you wanna postpone the engagement?" I pinch my nose to keep my temper in check.

"Why are you making such a huge deal out of it?"

"Then how is it, Maira. What do you want me to tell you that will make you feel secured enough? Do you wanna even get married to me now?" I look at her.

"Yes, Jai I do. Everything I did was for you."

"You denying to get engaged to me is something you are doing for me. Right!"

"Jai, why are you- Wait, what? I am just postponing the engagement not cancelling it and I thought you'll be happy hearing the reason."

"Happy hearing that you don't wanna get engaged with me?" I can feel my voice getting higher but not to the point of extreme shouting. Maira lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Jai, sit down and let me explain. I am pretty sure there is a misunderstanding here." I take a seat grumpily.

"Explain." I say with my raised eyebrows in a tight tone.

"Don't you dare use that tone with me Mister." Calm down Jai. You both cannot be hot headed. From the beginning you knew, you had to be the calm one here.

"Okay, tell me why do you wanna postpone the engagement?" I ask her calmly this time.

"Jai, why is postponing the ceremony by an hour or so such a big deal to you?" Now it's my time to get shocked.


"Yes, I want to postpone the engagement by an hour or two. I didn't think that it's that big of a deal."

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